C-section aftermath

I had an emergency c section 12 days ago. it didn’t quite go to plan as the epidural didn’t work fully. So I could was in quite a lot of pain when they got to the uterus to pull out my baby girl , so they put me on 75% gas and air rather then the normal dose of 25%, well I didn’t like it but I knew i had to take it to numb the pain, then they put me on fetnal, don’t remember anything after that until I was closed up. it was slightly traumatic , when I was in hospital I felt okay , I knew I was safe if anything went wrong afterwards, since I’ve come home i haven’t quite felt the same. I feel different. My hormones are driving me nuts I’m waking up angry and I’m switching from each emotion very quickly. I know I’m supposed to resting/ or at least taking it easy , it’s quite hard when you’ve already got a kid who’s driving you round the bend on top of cleaning. Is the way I’m feeling normal after a c-section? Just high and low; low and high xx
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I didn’t have the same birth experience as you but I did have a c-section. Like you I felt ok in hospital and then when I came home I was a wreck to the point I was questioning myself why did I have a baby. I think the first 3 weeks were really hard and then it got better. I still think I have ups and downs but it more up then down. If you are feeling consistently low, speak to your GP. Or look into Talking Therapies. I think it will help in addressing your birth trauma. Or can you do that with the hospital? Are you able to outsource anything like cooking or cleaning to give you some time back got yourself?

@Jenisha I do a lot of cleaning , and cooking to the point I get fed up with it, which makes it worse sometimes , but I crochet , I’m trying to get into it agian as it helped during the pregnancy, it’s just been none stop since I got back, Apparently there’s a way for me to talk to a midwife about the labour and actually ask and understand what happened as my partner and mum have different stories, so I’m gonna see if I can do that xx

But the ups and downs are driving me nuts,

Sorry to hear your c section was so traumatic! I wasn’t in pain during mine but I did panic and they ended up knocking me out and I woke up the next day! In terms of the debrief with the midwife, it’s defo worth doing as you may get some clarification and answers that you need. But be prepared also not to get what you want out of it. I had mine the other day and there was a lot she couldn’t answer for as ultimately she wasn’t there. It’s all hand written notes they do as well so a lot of it she couldn’t even read! She couldn’t even tell me what meds I was given that knocked me out which I thought was crazy, she just couldn’t find where it was recorded! Hope you start feeling better soon x

I had a really traumatic emergency c section with my first baby and felt very similar to how you are feeling, really up and down. Very emotional for no reason (apart form raging hormones) You can request a birth debrief where they can talk you through what happened which may help you come to terms with it. If you speak to your midwife they can arrange it but also offer other support if you need it. Be easy on yourself though, it will get easier, even if ur feeling up and down now, your feelings are valid x

I had an emergency section in august after getting induced. Due to baby heart rate dropping, I had failed forceps and vontouse. I had epidural already place hours before, so they topped it to a spinal. Could they not of topped it with a spinal for you? It drove me crazy being in for 5 days I just wanted to get home with my baby. I was emotional for a long time, one minute I’d be happy then I’d be angry. It does get better. Be kind to yourself ❤️ I’d recommend speaking to birth reflection at your hospital. These are specially trained midwives who will go through your labour notes and explain everything and why it happened My inbox is open if you wanna chat xx

@Shannon becuase I was already cut open and baby wasn’t out yet, anything I had baby would of gotten which was a risk but I was coming of pethadeen as well which had me already dizzy, so they wouldn’t of been able to , I think if they hadn’t of given me the gas & air and the hallucination I had wasn’t so horrible I think I might of felt different, but now I’m home all I wanna do is cry

@Christina so the raging hormones and the emotions are normal then ? Do they calm down ? Xx

@Megan jade yes, I felt exactly the same for the first 1-2 weeks and it gradually settled down. Your body has hormones raging though it and is going though so many change daily, it’s a lot to take and you have a tiny human to look after too! I would suggest talking about it though as it does help and if it goes on longer maybe bring it up with the midwife. You are only human at the end of the day but always happy to chat if you want to message me x

@Christina I deffo will if it doesn’t settle down and thank you xx

@Megan jade ohh I’m so sorry you had to go through that 😭 It’s crazy how each trust does things differently. I would defo recommend speaking to birth reflections when you feel ready to. It took me nearly 4 months before I spoke to someone as I just wasn’t in the head space to go through my labour. You’re still so new after a section I would focus on looking after baby and yourself. Keep your wound clean

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