Self soothing/settling

Hiiiiya! Just needing some advice or help. My little one is 4 months now, and basically he will not go to sleep without being rocked, shhh’d, pats on the bum - even with this he screams for a good 10 minutes until falling asleep for maybe 30 minutes. We follow wake windows and watch for sleepy cues but he just fights sleep so much. My partner have tried putting him down when drowsy but awake, and he just screams and screams. He’s fed, nappy change, (not teething as he’s already got two teeth at 3 months) etc… we have had a nighttime routine in place for 4 weeks now and no change with his night sleep or naps 😂 Just wanting any advice really if you found yourself in a similar position and if anything helped??
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No help or advice, but in the same boat 🤦

My little one is 5 months and like this for all of his naps unless in the pushchair and on a walk.. been like it for about 6/8 weeks now 🙈 we have worked out that for some reason he doesn't get quite so irate if we're outside so there's a lot of standing in the garden at nap time

No advice but same boat! Walking her in the pram is the only way she falls asleep without our input and without her crying!

Absolutely, I take him outside just to calm down and the only way he gets himself of to sleep is the pram or wearing him on a walk 😂

Some babies just take longer to learn the skill than others, you're not doing anything wrong. Drowsy but awake doesn't work for every baby, neither does puting them down awake. Sleep trainers will make you believe that's what you have to do to buy their courses but there is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting your baby to sleep if it's working for you and your baby

@Sophie I know it’s so freaking annoying seeing sleep trainers pop up on insta or tik tok giving you snippets of what might be wrong and it’s really not helpful is it 😂 I just don’t know if I should just Lee doing what I’m doing and ride it out and see if he settles when he’s older or what. It so hard to navigate

No advice but just know its very normal- 4 months is notoriously a bit of a nightmare!

@Bobbie I think do whatever you’ve gotta do that works right now, you really don’t have to make baby self settle they’re still so teeny and need comfort etc. all these sleep trainer people do is scaremonger I’m sure of it x

Ohh feel this so much, exactly the same over here since she hit 4 months it's been a wild ride 😂 feel like we're back into survival mode to get through the nights!!

I fed my first baby to sleep until she was almost 2 (and back to sleep if she woke in the night). She’s now 3 and has been sleeping through on her own since she was about 18 months old. Never sleep trained or forced her to self soothe - I really think they just do it themselves when they’re ready. I’m now doing the same with my 4 month old.

I’m exactly the same as you.. could of wrote this and I feel stressed out she doesn’t self soothe and see everyone’s child does but then when I sat and thought about it, I thought does she actually need to self soothe? I love the fact my little girl wants a cuddle to go to sleep, she does now only take 10-15 mins even longer to go to sleep but I know it won’t last forever and for an easier life if that’s what it takes I’ll just do it. I do still think she’s young and I did want an easy life where my baby sleeps on her own and does this but now if she wants to sleep in the pram, in the car on me then so be it! I’ll be crying when she doesn’t want me and will go on her own 😂 sorry can’t help but I am in the same boat x

I could have written this word for word. I think it’s their age unfortunately. I started supplementing with formula as I think he’s going through a growth spurt. It’s helped abit i think

Hello I went through this with my baby and still do sometimes if she’s over tired! From about 8 weeks naps had been a battle, every nap is still a contact nap but I realised after battling her for 4 weeks that she wanted less fuss and to fall asleep more independently! We went from vigorous standing rocking, patting, shhh’ing (the lot) to she was happy to just fall asleep in my arms with a gentle rock while sat on the couch! Every baby is different but have you tried maybe removing some of the sleeping aids (patting, rocking, shh’ing) to see what little one does? I think afterwards I also read something online that they get to a point where they need less sleep stimulation! If only she could of told me that🤣 xx

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