Fed up of being told we’re ‘making a rod for our own backs’

Is anyone else?? Both my mum and MIL keep making comments about how we’re making a rod for our own backs by letting our daughter contact nap on us in the day and giving these really patronising eye rolls as if we’re stupid first time parents. It really frustrates me! Right now it’s the only way we can get her to sleep for more than 20 minutes in the day! They’re the same when we say we’re not going to wean her until 6 months and they think we’re being OTT when we explain the latest guidance.
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Honestly this is all I heard with my first child. SO ANNOYING!!! But, we stood our ground, and proved them all wrong 😇 And in addition to raising our son the way we wanted and that being great, it was absolutely blissful to watch none of what they said come true 😏 I also liked to rub it in a bit. “Oh mum, remember you said he’d have such trouble at nursery because we always held him? He sleeps great for them, they always say how much of an easy baby he is to put down for a nap” 👀👀👀 Surprisingly, now no. 2 has come along, they’ve not been so quick to make judgements about our parenting 😉

Repeat repeat repeat with confidence each time. They'll get bored of insisting. At least this is what I tell myself 😂

Oh gosh it’s all I heard from my mum, she’ll never sleep on her own you’re doing her a disservice keep letting her sleep on you. My babe now goes to sleep all on her own of her own choice and I felt like doing this 🖕 try to let it wash over us! X

The weaning thing does my nut in, we just got back from dinner from my MIL and the look of confusion why I didn’t let my 16 week old suck a Yorkshire pudding was just so irritating. What the hell are they in such a rush for? Also, asked about sleeping through the night. I said yes. And the response was “ah, is that since you gave up breastfeeding?” NOPE. Slept through while still breastfeeding 🙄 and his last feed of the day is a breastfeed so it’s not flipping formula that makes him sleep!

I should add I haven’t fully given up, just do first thing in morning and last thing at night! Older gens are obsessed with giving baby formula and solids lol.

Oh my goodness the weaning!!! My MIL is exactly the same constantly telling me that my 4 month old daughter looks ‘hungry’ and I need to start feeding her solids!! Why don’t they just listen 🙄🙄 It angers me so much when they give advice like that, they had children 30 years ago… things change! If my daughter has children it’ll have changed again by then but I will not be lecturing her 😂

Nobody knows your baby like you do 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Tell them to shut up 😂😂 do you mama! You’re amazing x

Thank you everyone! I will try to drown out the negativity! I keep telling myself never to be like that if my little girl had children!

Honestly this was the same with me with my first. She only contact napped until 12 months and now (18 months) she only naps in the cot! The weaning is so frustrating the ‘she’s looking at your food’ comments get to me, my youngest is 4 months old and keep getting the ‘give her some porridge’ 😭

Its constant and so passive aggressively they always talk ‘to the baby’ like ‘oh you look like youre ready for a wee sausage’ 🙃🙃🙃 she has her entire life for food please can you give me another 6-8 weeks where there isnt food all over my floor 😂😵‍💫

@CeeCee omg I know it does my head in😂😂 ‘she’s looking at your food’ like she will look at anything and everything doesn’t mean she wants it 😩

I get this ALL the time!! My mum says she gave solids at 3 months and keeps telling me to give the baby water - even though they’re breast fed and that’s not the advice. My MIL said her two were sleeping through from 6 weeks and in their own room from day 1!?!? They don’t understand so much has changed since they had children. We also get the eye rolls over using an app (huckleberry) to keep a track of everything. I get ‘we didn’t have any of that back then’ - ok but if you did surely you would have used it?! Apparently no tummy time either. They say to us ‘you turned out fine’ and that we have too much information these days and it makes us overthink things. Just let us get on with it how we want to!

@Tara yeah they probably were ‘sleeping through’ because they were in their own room from birth with no monitor and a farley rusk in the bottle 🆘🤡🤡🤡

@Sam omg mine too! Obsessed with formula feeding! I expected more pressure to keep breast feeding but at every hurdle it’s ’well you could formula feed’

@CeeCee my MIL likes to pretend she’s the baby’s voice! She’ll go ‘oh mummy and daddy please give me some food’ It takes all my strength not to scream ‘shut UP’

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@CeeCee get ready for mess all over your floor I’m telling you it is notttt fun cleaning that shit up 3 times a day, weaning can wait!!😂

@Tara I know lol, I am doing formula in the day now and I get the impression they feel like “oh she’s finally come to her senses” 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Oh my god, I’m getting annoyed just hearing your experiences! I’ve had many comments on our choices (you’d almost think we were somehow in charge of this child!). It’s amazing how having babies many years ago makes some people think they understand OUR babies better than we do, even though we’ve spent almost every minute with them for 4-5 months! Most of them are from a generation where babies slept on their stomachs, with a blanket, left to cry it out and formula was seen as superior. Research and knowledge into baby health changes and therefore practice evolves. I think often it annoys them because they think their way is being highlighted as not the right way anymore.

I absolutely hate the "we did X and you turned out fine" like that's great but guidance has changed for a reason! Also the flack I get for researching/googling things, like why wouldn't I check the NHS or similar websites if it's at my disposal? 😂 We know our babies best, therefore will do what's best for our babies!

Oh my god same re huckleberry. I don’t dare tell them we use that! The grief I would get. Even though they’re happy to use iPhones and Echo Dots and Hive heating controls. But the eye rolls I’d get for using Huckleberry would be insane!

They’re of a different generation, one that raised a bunch of kids with anxiety. If your baby wants to contact nap and you’re happy to do it don’t let anyone tell you not to. They’re not little for very long so if they need you don’t feel guilty for being there! You’re doing great, ignore your mum and MIL

@Carly amen to this! Any wonder why we are all riddled with anxiety and have stomach problems just because we weren't shown love and had food shoved in our mouths too early. I always just reply with 'cars didn't used to have seat belts either. It's called research and innovation. So I won't be feeding my boy until I know he's ready (whether that be 5 months, 6 months or 7 months etc).' 😂

@Rebecca this is a fantastic reply! Will have it at the ready!

@Carly so true, both my sister and I have terrible anxiety!

Oh the eye rolls 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

Oh my god I needed to read this thread today. So sorry for everyone’s experiences but so glad I’m not alone. Every time I see my mum it’s “is she not in her own room yet, we had you in your room at 3 months”, “are you going to wean her soon, we had you on puree at 4 months”, “you’re making a rod for your own back by letting her sleep on you all the time”, “have you tried putting her down for her naps”. Not to mention the absolute classic “we didn’t have all these fancy gadgets (prep machine) back in my day”. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

@Ashleigh glad it was comforting to read today!! Oh yes our baby monitor is apparently very high tech… in their day they would just be able to hear us 🙄

A classic just yesterday from the MIL when I mentioned he’d been a little fussier than normal, “He’s probably just testing how quickly mummy comes running at the slightest whimper”……. Ah yes, my 4 month old- who is still working out the physics of whole fist in mouth = gagging, is also a master at manipulation 🤦🏻‍♀️ COME ON 🙃

Does anyone else constantly get “Do you think they’re warm enough?” comment? 🙈

@Laura oh my god!!! I thought it was just my mum that did this 😂

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@Chloe oh my goodness THIS! Yesterday we went to my MIL’s and my 4 month old daughter was crying in her arms so I told her that she likes being faced outward to see and her reply was ‘if you give in to every demand she’ll turn out a spoilt brat’ 🙃👍🏼

@Tara 😂 we have it from both my mum and mil!

@Heather Bovell And to make it worse, both sets of grandparents are always commenting on how we have never really left our boys with them, but every time they drop one of these bullshit bombs it just confirms for me that if I do leave them, especially when they’re babies still, that they won’t be responded to in the way Dad and I do. 🤦🏻‍♀️🫠

@Chloe hahaha brilliant 🤣 Yes mine keeps making herself sick shoving her fist in her mouth when burping 🤣 Funny, I don’t think I’ve seen the ‘manipulation skill’ come up on the Wonder Weeks app yet 😆

There is a 'fuck mother in laws' group on peanut and I live for the stories on there! Makes me feel like I'm not the only one with pushy family members! So if you like this thread, join that group! 😂 x

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