Constant crying and fussing

My almost three week old cries constantly in the evening for hours and during the day will not sleep for naps, I put her down and she lasts a few minutes before crying again. As I understand it, she’s supposed to have wake windows of about 45 mins, but she honestly stays awake for hours even when I’m trying to get her to sleep she is SO alert. Even when she is sleeping on me she squirms a lot like she’s in pain. I keep her upright after feeding and burp her (breastfed), but I don’t know if this is normal. Any advice or shared experience would please be appreciated! Feel like I’m going mad already
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I could of wrote this myself 😭 that makes two of us x


My little one is the same! You're not alone! ❤️

Sounds like colic to me. We've tried a few remedies but gripe water has worked best for us

Try infacol. We use infacol and gripe water for LO .

Same here! I don’t understand when I read about wake windows of 45 mins as we’re lucky to get a sleep window of that 😩

Same here little one will be 3 weeks old in a couple of days

Could be a dairy intolerance? Maybe try a non dairy diet and see if it makes a difference

Sounds exactly like how my girl is, we have started giving her one bottle of expressed milk before bed with colief drops in and I think it's helped a bit, just trial and error at the moment😬

Sounds like cluster feeding to me. My 4 week old will begin feeding around 7pm and go for hours with just short snoozes in between, I don't typically put her down for naps at this age but she would just wake anyway.

Was gonna post about the same thing except my little boy is 4 weeks 😴😴 We’ve been using infacol for a good 2 weeks as well. He just seems to be fighting his naps so bad

Sounds like colic to me. My baby sleeps a lot so I have the opposite issue. She's 6 weeks and has been awake maybe 3 hours today. I worry she sleeps too much. She wakes in pain due to trapped wind as she refuses to burp, then goes back to sleep. When she is awake she is so talkative and a wriggle bum it's amusing. Yawns and off she goes to sleep (some days she's awake all day, and won't sleep until the sun sets and then she's off).

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