A safe space for
women to connect.

About Peanut

Whether you’re navigating fertility, pregnancy, motherhood or menopause, we provide access to a community who are there to listen, share information and offer valuable advice.

About Peanut
Our story
It's our duty to ensure no woman has to figure it out alone.Michelle Kennedy,Founder and CEO

Peanut was founded in 2017 when Michelle had her first child. With so many questions and no one to turn to, she was led into a world of online forums. These forums weren’t the place to find support and share vulnerable stories.

Having worked in social networking for ten years, Michelle set out to reduce feelings of isolation and empower women to connect, all over the world.

Her vision is to connect women at every life stage—from puberty and pregnancy through to motherhood and menopause—so that three women in the same family can all find support on Peanut when they need it most.

Peanut provides access to a community who are there to listen, share information and offer valuable advice.

  • Connect with like minded womenConnect with
    like minded women
  • Ask questions & share adviceAsk questions &
    share advice
  • Listen to pods & connect with expertsListen to pods &
    connect with experts

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