Life with a newborn brings lots of time to think and lots of things to worry about: from formula and breastfeeding to sleep and self-care. Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert information to support your first year of motherhood.
Hi all!! This may sound silly but for a baby boy that is uncircumcised, do you have to pull the foreskin down to clean during diaper changes or baths? I recall that no, you don’t since it isn’t detached yet or something like that but I’m unsure. Anyone know if you have to or not? Thank you!
Do you have a routine with your 3 month old? Do they have a bed time and do they sleep through? I’m really struggling to know what routine to build and how to get my EBF 3 month old sleeping better - any advice welcome!
my son has been the worst sleeper ever since he’s been born, and basically is contact napper 24/7 (even in the night), so sleep has been great for me 🥲 whilst i love it, i’ve been trying to get him to have some naps alone. he’s just put himself off to sleep for the first time after weeks and weeks of me putting…
What age did everyone start moving their babies to their big cot? Or into their own room at night, My little one is 4.5 months old and does her naps in her big cot in the day and settles so well but at night she’s took a massive dislike to her next to me cot, she’s a taller baby so hits the sides and constantly wake...
Hi just wanted to ask if anyone else is feeling the same. I really wanted to breastfeed my baby but unfortunately due to reasons and lack of breastfeeding support in my area I had to give up. However even though it’s been a few weeks now I feel really guilty and there’s not a day that I don’t cry about it. Every tim...
Context: my other half is forever telling me to nap when the baby sleeps during the day (if that actually happens is a different story 😴) and doesn’t understand when I say that, despite only getting 3-5 hours broken sleep overnight, I don’t always feel tired.
So sick of vans taking up parent and child spaces!!!!
Hello, we had a baby 6 weeks ago and my husband witnessed the birth and he also knows that I got stitches due to a second degree tear. He’s totally turned off by everything and mentioned he’s having a hard time wanting to have sex with me. I feel good now and the doctor mentioned I’m fine. But since this is about t...
Honestly my LO has never gone down in her cot for a decent nap. She sleeps fine in her cot on a night but will not nap in it. Instead of trying to force it I gave in. This is easily now one of my fav times of the day. Cuddles in bed and I see it as a moment for myself to relax too. She won’t want this forever
Baby is 3 and a half weeks old. This is her hair freshly washed and then brushed - when should I start/what should I be using to care for her hair? I’m currently using Nalas baby shampoo a few times a week to wash it but not sure if I should be using anything else afterwards?
I have just found out today after 12 weeks of breastfeeding issues and constantly having people check my latch that my baby has tongue tie. She's on the bottom percentile for weight and struggling to stay on it. No one has even bothered to check at all for 3 months and I am absolutely livid. Can anyone tell me w...
I’m desperate for some sleep! He slams his legs all night long! I’m absolutely exhausted. He seems to be asleep during most of the leg lifting and slamming down. How long does it last for? We even moved him into a bigger bed incase he was uncomfortable in his next to me crib.
How long is everyone’s newborn feeding for if they’re breastfeeding? My baby normally only feeds for 15-20 mins now and just wondered what everyone else’s is doing. She used to do 40 mins to an hour early days so seems to have dropped a lot. X
When my 4 month old is with my husband, she loves to contact nap with him on the couch. The problem is that he falls asleep too every single time & I hate it. My brother’s infant daughter passed away because her caregiver at the time fell asleep with her on the couch & suffocated her 😢 so I’m always anxious to…
I have been putting mitts on my baby at night time (to stop scratching / keep warm) and I’ve read this could be bad for their development. I’m so worried I’ve potentially hindered them but I thought it would be okay as they’re asleep? And his hands are always out during the day when playing etc and haven’t noticed a...
When did you find your baby was ready to move from their cot to a bed/cot bed? We aren't close to doing so yet, LG is only 10m but I'm just curious x
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