Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
Anyone had this? Im soo not used to this anymore! Normally 2-3 per day… Had a few leaks and outfit changes as well ☠️
Has one else little one had fishy smelling poos? LB is formula fed on Kendamil first infant milk (the pink one). He has 5/6oz every 3 hours. He’s a very happy boy, does 1-3 poos a day, never behaves like he’s in any tummy pain. However, he has started to do a couple of fishy smelling poos, not all of them but some a...
Looking for a white noise machine, new neighbours have a typical teenage boy who plays video games and screams at the top of his lungs all night and being in a terraced house it’s affecting baby girls sleep🙃 looking for one that I can control the volume on if possible, thankyou🫶🏻🙏🏻
Hi mamas! My 2month old makes a clicking noise while breastfeeding. At first, I thought nothing of it because it doesn’t hurt when she latches and she’s gaining weight just fine. It doesn’t seem to bother her but is that sound concerning? She does have a tongue tie so not sure if it’s linked to that but so did our f...
My baby is 17 weeks old, and for the past couple days she has about 30-60 ml (1-2 oz) and then starts crying anytime the bottle comes near her mouth, pulling away, arching her back to get away! Shes only drunk 350 ml today (about 12 oz all day!) and it’s worrying me! Is it distractions? She doesn’t seem bloated and ...
Hi moms✨️ My baby has his Dr app tomorrow any advice on the shots? I don't want to give him all at once.
Hi moms ✨️ My baby has his 1 year shots tomorrow but I don't want to give him all the shots at once, any advice?
May seem like a silly question but how is everyone rinsing their baby after a bath with fresh water? Since birth I kept a jug of warm water on the side, I’d hold her and my husband would pour the water over her. Well she’s getting bigger (4months) and I tried to do the bath on my own ( I can’t wait on my husband ea...
Is this normal (only formula fed) 3 months old. He doesn't normally have anywhere near as big bits or as many bits usually quite runny and smooth so don't know whether to be concerned.
Hi we are planning to travel for 2 weeks in USA. Just wondering how we would bath the baby there? Anyone have any suggestion for me?
How often do you bath your LO mines 2 months and I do every other day but I’m thinking about every night as part of the bed time routine but is this too much?
My baby has just suddenly gone off water and I’m trying to avoid juices as much as possible. When he doesn’t drink water he has really hard stools and struggles! Any ideas ?
My girl hadnt pooped in almost 2 weeks which is extremely irregular for her. She is a breastfed baby but does take solids. She kept straining and trying hard and making herself cry and seemed so uncomfortable and in pain. We tried prunes, she had maybe one a day for 3 days and then we laid off them. By day 4 she ha...
So we started introducing cows milk in Thursday in her cereal, it's such a small amount as I pour it in, wet the cereal and pour the excess out. On Saturday we had a loose poop, just colour in her nappy but she had chips and chicken nuggets from the kabab Shop and some of Daddy's noodles in the day so I put it down ...
When after a C-section can you have a bath???
Has anyone changed formula back, from a hypoallergenic one to first infant i.e aptamil? And how was babies poo? My little girls is yellow and smells normal but has had mucus in it, is this normal?
Every time. Why?!?! Clothes are getting destroyed. Anyone else?
9month Ideas for messy play at home for a skint mum 🙈😂
I’ve had loose bowel movements for around 4-5 days now! Has anyone else experienced this?
my husband has been handling bath times but im not sure he is bathing enough. baby is 6 months so i was just wondering how often people are bathing their babies? i work evenings so i am not there for his usual bath time.