Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
does anyone have the mam easy active bottles, the ones without the screwed bottom part? How do i sterilise these as i would always self sterilise my mam bottles but as it doesn’t have the part at the bottom i can’t and they’re too long to fit in my tommee tippee steriliser😖i’ve just put the teats in the steriliser…
Hey, just looking for some advice as I’m trying to wean my baby off breast onto bottle and I’m finding he’s only drinking around 10-15 ounces in the day. He still has breast in the night as he wakes up quite a bit and in the morning a good full feed but I’m reading they should be getting around 24 ounces per day. Is...
I have this virgin pure machine which is great but i brought prep machine for bedroom for night feeds, was wondering if i can use this in the daytime as its in the kitchen only thing is i am not sure what temp it is as it does have the hotshot to it but wouldn’t know what degrees it is, i did use one of those tomme ...
Has anyone ever dealt with a newborn (1 month old) that only wants to drink 2 to 3 ounces ONLY every 3 to 4 hours?? He doesn't really seem to be interested in eating and he is OVERLY tired. Can barely stay awake during feedings...what was wrong??
Hey just wondering what size teats people are using? My little girl is 12 weeks old but with most of her bottles she has a few mouthfuls then turns away from the bottle, she is currently on size 2 🤷🏻♀️
We’ve been using the Phillips avent straw cups for little ones water and he’s fine with them. The HV said we need to start transitioning away from normal bottles for milk now and then once onto sippy style, move onto cows milk instead of formula. So I’m probably overthinking this but what bottles is everyone going f...
I know 1-3oz every 2-3 hours is normal, but just curious what everyone’s babies *actually* did at 3 weeks old! Sometimes I get discouraged because my son will once in a while eat like 4oz in one sitting, and then other times I can barely get 1-2oz in him (he’s such a sleep baby, I have to do everything in my power t...
my baby is 3 weeks and my GP has given the go ahead to start anti reflux Aptamil formula as baby keeps throwing up with normal formula. Is anyone’s little one on this formula so early on? I’m kinda freaking out.
Hi all, I was wondering for all the formula feb babies, how much milk do they consume each feed. My baby can’t do more than max 5oz. Most of the time 4oz ! Thanks in advance
Hi, My baby is bottle fed using formula and breast milk. When he has formula he settles and sleeps straight after. We give him the same oz’a using breast milk and he doesn’t seem satisfied. Any one know why this might be?
i’m 26 week and leaking, when time is right i will collect colostrum and freeze it. hoping to be able to breast feed baby straight away but also use formula, only sometimes - if i have sore boobs, family / friends feeling or out and about ? happy to express (hopefully have a frozen stock) and bottle feed but when ...
Hi ladies, I only microwave sterilise at home and we’re planning on taking a collapsible bucket and Milton tablets to sterilise bottles while away. How often does the solution need to be changed? And what’s the ratio of water to tablet? (I know it says on the packet but I haven’t bought yet and just making plans...
What age do you stop sanitising your little one’s bottles or do you always have to do that?
Hey there mamas, I’m having a hard time switching my baby from formula to whole milk, I know I don’t really have to, and honestly I didn’t want to give her any milk, she does eat yogurt,cheese and other stuff but I tried to take the morning and night formula bottle (the last left) and she isn’t adjusting well, so I ...
I’ve recently brought a 330ml Mam bottle but can’t find anywhere online which shows how to sterilise it in the microwave? I’ve always sterilised the smaller size bottles in the microwave but the bottom of the bigger size bottles don’t twist off? I’ve searched google and YouTube and can’t find how??
So my prep machine is the bane of my existence right now dispensing the incorrect amount of water when using it. I got it second hand so lesson learned there. I'm trying to figure out how to best make feeds. I could buy a new machine that isn't faulty I could buy the rapid cool but would also need to buy a steri...
Hi all, just wondering how many bottles your little ones are on now? What times are they having the milk and how many oz’s etc? TIA
And how often do you do it?
My 8 month old is ebf. However, I have noticed a huge drop in my milk supply, and it’s making me really anxious worrying whether he is getting enough. I have tried introducing formula, namely aptamil, he is just refusing. Any tips?
Hi mamas! Any experience with washing bottles at the airport or plane while traveling? I’m taking as many bottles as I can but worried we might need more! I don’t steralise anymore so it’s just the washing part.