Baby Milestones

Want to learn more about your baby’s milestones? We’ve got you. Explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas on Peanut.

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When did your babies start to walk

My babies are 1 next month . They was 11 weeks early not crawling or walking is that nornal do anyone know


Saw a post that said children are either tantrum children, or are not. Is this true?

Said something along the lines that kids are born with a tendency to have tantrums or they aren’t, and some children don’t really have them at all. I previously understood that tantrums are just a part of every kids development. True or no?


When did your baby start walking?

Tips on getting my 11 month old walking? We try everything. Walkers , holding his hands and waste while standing him up. He stands up on his own perfectly. He just refuses to take steps.


Starting to get worried

My son is about to turn 10 months next Monday and has no internet in crawling, he hates being put on his stomach and just rolls over and would rather try pull himself up to stand, I’m really worried about him not crawling yet, is this normal ??



I need some advice my 4 month old is started crying loads in the evening and screams and gets so upset he turns red I’ve tried everything trying to calm him down and nothing works 🫣


Baby “losing” skill or gesture

Please tell me this happens and it doesn’t definitely mean the scary neurological things I’m reading about! My little one is 14mo now and scored low but within normal for communication skills at his 12mo review. 2 months later he stopped waving which he was obsessed with, one of the few gestures he used. Now does ...


Hi mums

My 18 month old girl wont respond to her name still, she doesn’t point. Makes some eye contact while laughing together or when she is playing with dad to show mum she’s happy. She makes eye contact giving me her toys. When I’m singing to her with toys, She is running around playing with her toys. Says only says dadd...


Patting babies butt?

I feel uncomfortable when my father pats my babies butt. Is it normal for people to do that to babies butt? I get it, it’s cute but like why? I just don’t like it but I don’t know if I’m just being overly sensitive. When my mom does it I’m fine but like I just feel uncomfortable when my dad does it when she’s playin...


Animal sounds..

Shouldn’t my baby being saying animal sounds now? He is 17 months and does not say 1 animal sound yet. He is not in day care so I know him not being in a learning environment hinders that but I just feel like he should understand some sounds by now. He says other words like hi, bye-bye, mama, dada, go, ow, wow, no, ...


Tantrum alert.

Anyone else’s babe throwing mad tantrums or just mine??? All he seems to do atm is point to stuff he’s dropped and become angry/cry. 🥹 Hes more than able to pick the item back up / he’s just turned 14 months and fully mobile.


This child 🤣😭

This was the conversation between my child and myself no one even shouts at her 🤣🤣 On a serious note how do I bring this up to nursery teachers as she tells people I hit her in the mouth ( I brush her teeth) 😩


Clumsy baby

Is anyone else’s 15/16 month old a bit of a clumsy baby? My girl is always walking into things, bumping her head, falling over (not like, learning to walk falling over, just generally). I’m worried sometimes by how much she manages to bash herself 😅 the room is baby proofed but she’ll knock into the walls or…


Speech delay

My son is 3 at the end of March.. he chats away all day every day, understands well, listening well... however he struggles with pronunciation. As his mum I can understand everything he is saying however others can't! I'm now wondering if this is a speech delay as such? I'm sure he will get there in his own time but...


18 month old hitting

So my baby just turned 18 months old and definitely having tantrums. I’m having a hard time managing him when he’s angry and hitting, if not throwing himself on the floor and rolling around. I have tried the ignoring method and that does not work. He just keeps hitting until we give him some sort of reaction. Especi...



Anyone else’s little ones just call animals by what they do, she’ll say moo, nay, woof etc but not the actual words for the animals 😅


Son not pointing and not talking, not giving to show

He is just babbling. He is very socially engaged, has good joint attention, loves playing with us, listens to some commands though his understanding could be better. He doesn't have other significant developmental red flags. He is walking, running, climbing etc. Should I be worried?

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