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My little girl is 10 weeks old and for the past 3 days she starts crying at one point in the afternoon and there’s very little we can do to stop this. It usually lasts a good 30 mins before it stops. Has anyone else experienced this at this stage and if so how long did it last? She never really cried before this so ...
Ours has done this since she was couple of weeks old, now six month. She does it when she’s hungry tired, hungry or frustrated.
What are your thoughts on teaching babies to sooth themselves ? Either by crying like Ferber method or other methods out there ?
My 20 month old freaks out when our puppy uses the pee pad she will scream “PEE PEE” and freak out. At the dog park she will scream if she sees poop. Like almost full tantrum if it isn’t solved or if she isn’t removed. If my shirt ever rides up showing my belly it’s unacceptable and she will force me to cover it u...
My little boy is now trying to get himself in position to crawl (getting on his knees) but his arms are still flat on the floor, sort of like an army crawl, when he's doing this he starts to bob his head up and down like headbanging 🤦♀️ obviously I'm worried about him hitting his head on the floor even though…
Don’t you hate it when you tell people your child is under speech and language at 23 months and they say well mine speaks in full sentences and swears like good job?👍
My boy is 5 months old today and the past week or 2 I’ve noticed he’s much less engaged with people than he used to be. He used to be great with eye contact and be very engaged with people talking to him, smiling and babbling back Now he seems a lot more like he tries to look anywhere except a persons face most of ...
Is anyone going through a phase of just frustration? I give her a toy and she gets angry and starts screaming at it, put her on playmat, screams at the dangling lions, literally everything. It’s so loud in our house🙉🙉
My baby boy is 2 months old and doesn’t smile much. I’ve caught a few smirks but not sure if they are social smiles or not… I’ve read that this milestone could take up to 6-13 weeks but I am dying for my baby to start smiling back at us… would love to hear from other mamas whose baby took a little longer to smile.
My little boy is 15 months and doesn’t seem interested in talking or walking. He babbles but no words yet not even mama or dada. He crawls and can walk holding on to something but doesn’t even want to try on his own no matter how much encouragement we give him for both walking and talking. Is this normal? Is he behi...
My 18mo boy babbles alot, makes noises, points, seems to understand alot of the things I say or ask but he is still not saying any words himself. I know all babies are different and learn to talk in their own time, but at what age do they say you should be more concerned? My eldest girl was very vocal and said wor...
She is 15 months but I've noticed she doesn't interact with other babies/toddlers. Is this normal for this age?
We are starting to think our son might be colour blind, he seems to really be struggling with the green. Has anyone else experienced this and have any advise? Xx
My daughter is crawling and cruising and using her walker so she does fall here and there but are these bruises normal color or concerning ? And when to worry ? (She’s almost a year old)
My LO is almost 9 months old (born 6/30) and I noticed her friend who’s two weeks older is far more advanced than her. Her friend is crawling, has two teeth, and is standing. Other babies her age are pulling themselves up onto furniture when they stand. While she rocks back and forth and has now gone from sitting ...
My little boy (18 months) has been biting other children at nursery. It’s been going on (on and off) for 2 months. The nursery staff have taken to giving him time out of the classroom today. Before they were just removing him from play and other children, but still in the same classroom. I’m upset they did not con...
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