Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
I have a friend who has a 2.5 year old boy who regularly rolls his eyes…sometimes back to back. They literally go up in his head. Is this normal? She claims it is his “attitude” and won’t get it checked but it’s sort of scary looking. When I googled I saw autism or seizures as an option. He also developmentally regr...
Mine can’t therefore wondering how worried I should be
So my baby was crawling normally for about a week for the first time, so not very long! But now they’re walking on all fours and stopped crawling? They look like a monkey 😂😂😂 what does this mean developmentally?
I keep having constant anxiety at the moment about if my son is meeting his milestones etc. He’s been doing fine at his checks with the health visitor but as he’s my first child I’m not sure what to expect for his speech at this age. He currently says about 30 words. What’s your toddlers speech like? 😊
My little boy has hit his milestones all early, he was crawling before he hit 7 months, he was rolling at 4 months, he’s has been pulling himself up on future since 7 months etc. he never sits still, ever and was so determined to be on the move from super early. Some things I’ve noticed is he zones out a lot, he wi...
My son turned 2 in February and since then he’s become so physical with his hands, smacking and throwing hard toys at me, his dad and sister. He has always been kind and soft but since he’s moved rooms in nursery from baby room to toddler he’s become so frustrated with everything. Any tips advice welcome because I’m...
He still isn't talking. So much babbling all day. The only thing he says is "Ga" which means dog to him. He also says "moo" when we ask what does a cow say. Other than that - nothing. Just babbling. He's just turned 15 months. He understands SO much. Not just simple things like "look at that". But I will say...
My baby isn’t interested in story books at all! He likes the touchy feel books and sometimes lets me read them. A lot of the time I’m just reading at him whilst he doesn’t something else.. I’m not sure how to get him interested in listening to the stories. Is this quite common for their age (he’s almost 11 months...
Does your child nod their head/ say yes or shake their head no to questions yet?
So my boy is almost 5 months old and he is constantly rubbing his feet together? Does anyone know what this means or is thier baby doing the same?
Hey! My 7 month old just wants to crawl and stand constantly and cries. What are good toys so she can freely crawl? We have hardwood floor and I covered the entire floor in thick blankets, but when she crawls her head falls sometimes and it hurts her on the blanket still😞 thanks!
Agghhhhh so my boy is SO desperate to crawl, gets himself into position but always gets a leg stuck then he ends up face planting… I’m all for it but it’s SO frustrating because he is so desperate to get around and I leave for a brief moment to grab a bottle, etc and BAM he’s upset because he’s splat on his face. I ...
Anyone else baby super boisterous and never ever still? Only ever rolling onto front to scream they can't get on to back, smashing toys around and shouting for the whole day haha he is only ever still when feeding and not even so much then, such a wriggler! Often seems pissed off or frustrated because he can't get u...
So my LG's new favourite thing to do is roll over during a nappy change & try to stand up nappyless and dance. 🤣 It's absolutely adorable, but it's hard work to get a nappy on her when she does this. I spent 15 minutes trying yesterday at one point & wanted to give up (but I also don't want pee on my furnishings 😅)…
My 10 month old started scratching everything at 6 months and just hasn’t stopped. Is this normal?
How are you all tracking milestones? At my daughters one month appt I asked her about tummy time- which we were already doing- & she said not to start tummy time yet. Literally EVERYONE told me to start tummy time after one week. Is there a list somewhere or some reliable information out there in regards to mileston...
so I have a 2 year old and 2 month old and a very hands on father when he's not working but I feel like his not bothered with or 2 month old he'll always pick our older son to help with as in feeding bathing and changing where I do everything for the baby he doesn't pick him up or bring him on walk's with the door l...
My girl is having tantrums at 9 months and I did not expect it this early. I’m not sure the best way to handle it she does it when I move her if she’s not playing somewhere safe or during diaper changes and cloth changes because she has always hated it. I think I should ignore her but I’m not sure. It’s just hard wh...
So my 16 month old son isn’t really talking he says words here and there but it’s never consistent in a super quite person and he’s never been in daycare and he’s rarely around kids I’m starting to freak out and be super depressed I didn’t really read or play that much when he was younger any one else feel this way ...
My 17 month old has a big and bold personality at home! He’s very talkative and runs around, dances and plays like crazy. Over the past few months he’s become increasingly more shy when I bring him to a library class or a setting with a lot of unfamiliar people and it takes him a while to warm up in those situations...