Baby Sleep

Sleep: possibly the hottest topic for new mamas. We’ve got expert advice and real stories from real mamas to help you and your baby snag a few more zzz’s with baby sleep schedules, sleep tips, and more.

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Recent discussions

12 month old fallen off sofa

Hey everyone x My 12 month old has just fallen off the sofa head first and fallen onto the wooden floor. I was in the same room but had my back to him & didn’t see the fall but I heard it :((( It all happened so quickly, he fried immediately for a couple for minutes then calmed down. He then fell asleep on me ab...


My baby just want to sleep with my breast.

Since she born she learn to sleep after breastfeeding, I was trying to don’t teach her like that because it was going to be exhausting for me eventually. She’s almost 6m and still just goes to sleep in my arms and eating, the issue is at nights because she’s waking up so many times and she just want to be there, eve...


Bedtime routines

What time do you all put your little one to bed? My baby is 12 weeks and breast fed. He currently has a feed and then goes straight down between 10&10:30. He then sleeps through until 7-8am, which he has been doing for the past 6 weeks. From other conversations I’ve seen, I feel he goes to bed a lot later than most ...


Leaving baby to sleep with camera monitor on

Hi just looking for some advice really as to what age it is safe to leave baby to sleep in the bedroom alone with a baby monitor on? My little one is 8 weeks old tomorrow and gets very fussy from 7pm till we take them to bed and give bottle at 9pm ish when we all go to bed. I know if we were to give bottle earlier ...


Skin to skin contact

I’m trying to have skin to skin contact with my baby (3 weeks old) as much as possible but now he doesn’t want to sleep in his bed anymore, he just wants to sleep on me or he cries endlessly. I am literally like a chicken that cannot leave its nest for one second right now. How can I balance this? Or will it change ...


Toddler pulling penis out of nappy 🤦‍♀️

My son plays with his penis none bloody stop! But sometimes falls asleep with it out so wets the bed. I’ve started going and putting it back in before I go to bed but I have this horrible vision of in the future him talking to a therapist or someone and saying ‘I remember waking up most nights and my Mum had her han...


Toddler door open

So I just decided tonight to leave his and our door open and see what happens. He hasn’t been sleeping good all week and the longest he has slept by himself was an hour. So I’m expecting him soon to come into my room crying from teething pains. I don’t know if anyone else has done that before and how it went, I’m ...


8 month old keeps waking up

My 8 month old boy goes to bed between 7pm-8pm but he seems to wake up quite a lot for no reason. If he goes down at 7 he will wake up around 8 then again at 9 then again around 11.30 then it will be every hour or 2 hours during the night then will fully wake up around 7am. When he wakes up I offer him his dummy or ...


Dog owners?

With a new born what time do you go upstairs to start night feeds? And if you have a dog how long is your dog downstairs or in a crate for alone.


Transfers from Moses basket to crib

Anyone else just absolutely fail when doing a transfer?! 🙄 I try and be as quiet as I can, dimmed rooms etc but I for the life of me can’t seem to just grab her in one swoop and before I know it I’ve got these beady big eyes looking at me like ‘mum wtf are you doing’ 😫 send help 🤣



My partner was being silly with little one and decided to jump into her cot with her (literally jump into it 🤦🏻‍♀️!!) and has broken half the wooden slats on the cot. Thinking of just taking this time to transition to a toddler bed or floor bed. Has anyone done this yet? I see lots of things about floor beds but…


Sleep regression or teething?

Or both?! My little boy is 4 months and has always been quite a good sleeper. He would go down at 8pm, dream feed at 11pm then wake for a night feed between 4am-5am before going back down til around 7/7:30am. The past couple of weeks, he has been waking a couple of times crying after we put him down at 8pm, and be...


Baby won’t sleep in crib

My baby is 2 months old and still won’t sleep in crib through the night and will only contact nap through the day. As much as I love the cuddles I’m absolutely exhausted. I feel like I have tried everything! Dummy, white noise, hot water bottle, swaddle, no swaddle, putting him down when he’s drowsy, putting him dow...


Co-sleeping question

So I never planned on co-sleeping with my baby, but after midnight he goes what my partner calls “full banshee” and screams when we put him in his cradlewise. He’s totally fine napping in it during the day, but he wants to be with mommy and daddy at night and will NOT calm down unless he’s with us. As hard as I try ...


Wake ups from 4am

My little girl goes to bed around 9, wakes for a feed at 1. Then she wakes around 4 and then seems to really struggle to go back to sleep, I usually end up co sleeping from around 5 and she’ll then settle until around 7:30 when we have to get up for my older child. Anyone else experiencing this?


Question about sleeping through the night

My baby used to do a good initial stretch of at least 5 or 6, sometimes even 7 or 8 hours of sleep before waking for milk. She's currently 7 months and EBF. Since around 5 months her sleep has been crap. Her initial stretch is around 2 or 3 hours and then after that she's up every hour or 90mins wanting milk. I don...

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