Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.
What time does your little one go to bed?
Hey! Just wondering what your routines are with your little ones, if they have one! I’m feeling like my baby boy should be going to sleep earlier than he is. He is 4 months old 💕
Question for mums. When does it get easier. I have a 9 week old and I constantly feel drained. Sleepless nights even though sometimes she sleeps a 6 hour stretch. Every day feels a bit of a struggle. Does it get any easier?
For those who are on 1 nap a day. Please can you advise me on how your day looks? My lo usually wakes up at 7am, and recently I've seen a pattern, he has refused his afternoon nap so far 2 out of 5 days. It's becoming quite a battle to get him to nap at all. We battle for over 45 mins with afternoons so it becomes t...
Our 11-week-old (6 weeks adjusted) has started sleeping from 12-1 till around 5/6am. The anxiety in me is wondering if I should be setting alarms and feeding her still before this. Or am I just being panicky?
Hi all. First time mum to my EBF 6 month old girl. Been struggling with sleep for around 2 months now. All naps are contact naps. In the night she’ll sleep for 3-4 hours if held. After about 5-10 minutes of being put in next to me crib she’ll be moving around waking herself up. I can’t sleep but only way I can rest ...
Hey momma’s what are y’all do during your babies wake windows? My sweet boy is 6 weeks old and I’ve started the panic every time he wakes up from naps because I don’t know what to do with him. When he’s awake he’s very wiggly and alert so cuddles and holding him doesn’t work until he’s sleepy which is usually at le...
My LB always used to fall asleep independently until the last two weeks (💔) - I now have to rock him to sleep! On bad days I have to get the baby carrier out too. Made my curious to see what others are doing
Hey, my baby is 8 months old. After the newborn stage Up until 7 months baby was sleeping around 7pm-8pm bedtime. Since around 7.5-8 months, wake windows have got bigger and bedtime is become later and later. Currently first wake window is 2.45 hours, second is 3-3.5 hours and last wake window is 4-4.15 sometimes ...
Mums that feed yo sleep and have a bed time routine that works well for you please share, I want to get into a proper routine as much as possible with an EBF baby. Lol. Tips on naps/nap times too would be so grateful- xo desperate mum 😅
Does anyone have any tips on how to get a 3 month old baby to take a dummy? He’s breastfed but is having some real tantrums before naps which aren’t nice to see so we’ve decided to try a dummy in the hope it can help soothe him to sleep. So far, he just keeps spitting it out! I’m ordering different brands but does...
When do I worry about my sleepy baby? She's been sleeping A LOT. And seems really sleepy and zoned out the little bit of time she's awake to feed. She's usually very alert "talkative". She doesn't have any other signs of sickness or illness. I've sent a message to her team and I am waiting for a response but wonderi...
I’ve been waking up and finding myself just staying in bed all day. I don’t feel much ambition for the day. 😔 My baby is still not here yet. . . idk.
What are everyone’s thoughts about crib padding? Last night I witnessed my son hit his head on the crib bar and now I want to get padding to prevent this from happening again
Our little one doesn’t go down until between 10pm and 11pm and sleeps through between 9 and 10 hours (has done since 8 weeks old) but I feel like we’re in the minority with a late bedtime
They have struggled to get her down all week and are suggesting she doesn’t need the nap anymore. I’m not so sure! I’d love to think “whatever let’s give it a try” but she is such a terrible sleeper at night, I’m afraid to even try! Is she too young to go all day without a nap?? Should I just take her lead? I feel...
She’ll nap but only if she’s physically on me. The second I put her down she wakes up 😭
my little girls started nursery now, only 1 day to start then going to 2 days a week. but i want to try and get her into 1 nap just so her days and routines are the same. is anyone else doing/has done this? what are your routines? today she napped for 2 hours 12-2pm then bed at 6:15 but had a couple of false sta...
My son has started rolling so he’s suppose to be out of the swaddle, least his arms. But he keeps grabbing his pacifier and throwing it, then crying cause he wants it in his mouth. What can I do for him keep his hands busy so he stops grabbing it? I’ve swaddled his arms at bedtime and that’s when he sleeps the best....
Is anyone else still putting their baby to bed and naps when they're already asleep? I have tried drowsy and awake and it has really just extended the time it takes to get baby down. I'm worried I'm building bad habits, but I also don't know what else to do.