Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Always leaking!

Hello mums I need help my baby keeps leaking at night he was on size 3 pampers and he was leaking so i sized up to size 4 but he still wakes up all wet what shall I do 😩.


4 month sleep regression

Anyone’s babies going through the 4 month sleep regression ? For the past week mine is literally waking up every 2 hours at night!!! Any tips??? 😭


Ferber Method

*just to start, I am not enjoying this, but my baby has always been a high needs baby for sleep so it’s my last resort. 5 month old baby* Couple of questions: - how consistently do you have to do this until your baby stops crying every time? - do I need to introduce it for all naps too for it to work? Currently we d...


How do you wake up before your kids 😩

I used to love waking up early. I need that quiet time before everyone wakes up to ease into the the day. Just like half an hour before the kids wake up and start the never-ending string of demands is all I need. But no matter what I do, how early I wake up, my kids (2 & 4) are wide awake about 10 minutes later. Am...


How much is everyone feeding?

My LO is 9 weeks, she's started sleeping 7/8 hours a night straight and since this she's wanted food every 2 hours or so in the day time .. I give 125ml and wondering if I should up it?


How long are your babies staying awake for between naps/feeds?

I know they sleep loads in the early days. Aurora is 4 weeks old and is sleeping 1-3hrs at a time (day and night) waking up, I change her nappy, feed her and then she’s drowsy awake for like 15mins while burping then fast asleep again😂 She has the occasional long awake time, sometimes at 2-4am, and usually in the…


Baby Wake Windows

My baby boy is almost 4 weeks old, he wakes up at 9.30ish feeds and then is awake for hours (almost 6 hours now!) he’s not screaming or crying, he’s just awake… he’ll feed on and off throughout that time but he’s just won’t give in to a nap! Is this normal?!


Naps / babies who sleep through

People who’s baby sleep through a full night (and I mean like 7/8/9pm to like 6/7/8/9am with NO feeding)…. how many naps does in hours does your baby have in total in the day?



How many naps is your LO having and how long? How long is your LO sleeping at night as well ?


Noisey 12 week old!

My baby was born at 37+2 3lb 8oz after having a growth restricted pregnancy, but he is so perfect! Ever since we brought him home he has been SO noisey.. Grunting, straining etc etc the neonatal team told us this was normal because he’s a small baby he’s still growing his organs and things. He’s 12 weeks old now and...



so for ages me and my son coslept and he wouldn’t sleep in his cot due to having to share a room we have moved house now and he has his own room for ages we was doing really well he slept in his own cot in his own room for ages from 7/7:30 till 6/7/8 am but lately he’s been waking up at 4:30/5 am i’m not sure if the...



My 5 month old barely naps during the day anymore. He wakes up at about 5.30-6am, then has a nap at about 9am, and again at about 1pm but they only last about 20 minutes, sometime even less than that! He goes to bed at about 7pm and is exhausted at this point, he then is stirring from about 3am for his dummy. Does a...


Nappies at night

I'm still changing my LOs nappy during the night feed but wondering if this is necessary as it can wake him up more. Does anyone leave changing their little ones nappy at night?


Feeding to sleep/Sleep associations

Anyone else found themselves stuck feeding their baby to sleep? I had to start doing this because if I rocked him to sleep or even if he fell asleep himself, the transition to the cot had a success rate of 0% The only way I was able to get him to sleep was to co sleep and feed him to sleep. Now dad can pat him to ...


Baby sleepy today

Hi all My almost 10 week old has been sleeping loads today, anyone else had a sleepy baby of similar age?


1 nap life

What’s your schedules? Baby napped from 1pm (woke at 7.30) - when would you cap it if needed, and when would you do bedtime


Dropping to 1 nap

Anyone else's littles ones trying to drop to 1 nap already?


Has anyone gone cold turkey with dummy?

My daughter is 11 months next week and wondering if anyone has gone cold turkey with dummy and how long it took for baby to not be bothered anymore? Wanting to try do it before she’s too much older but keep putting it off because she relies on it so much. I try taking it away in the day and just use it for nap / be...


Cot bed, crib or Moses basket?

FTM and I’m getting very confused with whether we need a cot bed, crib or Moses basket (or all three?) I’m on a bit of a tight budget so I was thinking maybe a cot bed for our bedroom (just enough space at bottom of bed to fit this) and then a Moses basket for downstairs naps? Or would you recommend just using M...


Transitioning out of the swaddle!

My 15 weeks old LB isn’t showing any signs of rolling yet, but I wanted to transition him out of the swaddle to the sleeping bag. I’ve started with his naps today with one arm out to start with. It’s taken a while to get him to sleep and he wakes up 45 mins on the dot (coinciding with the natural lighter patch of s...


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