
Looking for breastfeeding advice? We’ve got you. From latching and nipple care to pumping and positions, explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas.

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This shit again ..... posting pics in comments

Manger was told when I pump and yet doesn't want me to do it at the times I need to I pump at 1230 ish , 3-330 ish , 5 ish then last pump before I go home at 730 ish ...... I come in an hour later then everyone but yet expected to go to lunch with everyone tonight ...... when I use 30 mins to pump on my lunch .......


Stopping feeding

Would anyone think less of me if I gave up breastfeeding at 9 months? I want to do it as long as I possibly can and was really aiming for the year mark. However my LG got her bottom 2 teeth at 4 months and over the past month now has her top 2 fully out at 8 months. It's getting incredibly painful and she bites down...


Advice needed !

So my 2023 baby is 2 soon 😟 and we’ve been trying for a few months now for no.2 and we’ve been struggling I have no idea why I dunno if it’s because I bf my baby and my hormones are imbalanced because I squeezed my breast today and I had a bit of milk come out but I’ve stopped bf for a few months. Has anyone else…


Weight loss

Ok girlies. I am pretty much exclusively breastfeeding but somehow I’ve put ON weight 😣. Those who are breastfeeding, how did you lose weight, without it affecting your milk supply? Thank you in advance 😘😘



Nipples hurting and burning like it’s on fire😭 38 weeks and 7 days and I can’t take it anymore! I’ve tried nipple cream but nothing! My nipple is peeling off, the tip hurts so badly and I don’t know what to do anymore. HELPPP😭😭😭


Breast pump

Has anyone used a breast pump whilst still being pregnant? I know babies will come when they’re ready etc etc. and pumping may induce labour. Just looking for advice 😊


Refusing to feed!

Please help 😭 My baby is 8 months old, exclusively breastfed and has never had a bottle. Yesterday she bit my nipple which made me jump and since then she is refusing to nurse and every time I try to she screams She has been up every hour throughout the night but still won’t nurse My boobs are sooo full and…


Maternity bras

When did peoples boobs stop growing? I’m 21 weeks and no bras fit. I’ve brought some new and bigger that fit but they’re not comfy. I’m reluctant to get measured and buy more if they’re going to grow again!!! Also bra recommendations?? Even ones that are comfy result in major rib pain at the moment as they’re not ...


When did you try for a second

Hello, i’m 6 months pp and already wanting to have another baby! I am worried about my milk drying up or extreme nipple sensitivity. When did you start trying for another or have an unplanned second? What was your experience BF while pregnant?



Has anyone had this while breastfeeding if so what were your symptoms and have did you treat it



I’m 9 months postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding and my period hasn’t come back yet? Is this normal?


Clogged milk ducts

So the pain started today and I used warm gel on my affected breast and did the soaking in epsom salt. Not helping. I saw online that cold is better and nurse less? It hurts and I am already fighting an infection so I can’t get another one right now 😭


Feeding times 1 week old

My 1 week old only feeds for 10-20 minutes (5-10 mins each boob). My first child used to feed for 45 minutes sometimes more! So I'm concerned that this baby isn't getting enough milk Or is this normal? She's latched every 60 mins in the day and at night I have to wake her up every 3 hours to feed (she's still n...


Period postpartum

48 yo mama, baby is 3 months and still no period. I know i might be perimenopausal and entering menopause…so not too shocked. But checking if other mamas got their period back later.


Is It Safe to Store Pump Parts in the Fridge Between Uses?

Hi all,I am an exclusively pumping mom of a 3-month-old, using a hospital-grade pump and pumping 6 to 7 times a day. Washing the pump parts after every use has become challenging while taking care of my baby. Is it okay to store the pump parts in the fridge after one use and wash them after the second use? This woul...


Pinching me

My 5 month old just started grabbing my boob while breastfeeding and squeezing the sh*t out of me and leaving bruises. I don't know how he gets his tiny hands around my skin like that 🥲

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