Looking for breastfeeding advice? We’ve got you. From latching and nipple care to pumping and positions, explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas.
My LG is turning 6 months soon and for my own mental health I think it’s time to stop pumping 😢 I’ve always been a low supplier so she’s been combi fed from the start but I said I wanted to get to 6 months with at least some breast milk if I could. What’s the best way to stop pumping and feeding? Is it okay to…
My goal was to exclusively breastfeed, but I had to supplement with formula week 1 because baby boy lost too much weight. Breastfeeding has been a challenge. I have seen a lactation consultant multiple times. My supply improved and I thought I was at a point where I could stop supplementing with formula. However, we...
He only had a meltdown in the morning. Pulled on my shirt a bit in the late afternoon. Didn’t even ask at bedtime! 😭
I’m thinking about giving up breastfeeding as it’s just completely wearing me out, baby isn’t sleeping at night and my boobs hurt like crazy. We are nearly 4 weeks pp and I feel so guilty… It doesn’t help either my boobs are so big so it always seems like a struggle to get baby to latch. Anyone else gone through...
So my baby is going to the doctor to check and see if my baby has thrush. She has a white tongue and it looks thick, but it’s been white for a week now and hasn’t spread so I’ve assumed it was milk cause she’s been eating so much. She hasn’t had issues eating and she isn’t fussy. But I’ve seen someone say something ...
Hi ladies, my little one was born on Saturday and she only weighed 5lbs 3oz. When it comes to feeding, we’ve been told it’s based on her weight so we are currently feeding her 2oz but she still looks for milk and seems hungry after? I’m not sure what to do and has anyone else been through the same?
Help ladies please I was looking to bottle feed due to medication I am on that I have been advised not to stop. I have Crohn’s disease so need to keep up with my infusions to prevent a flare up. I have recently been told by my consultant that I am still able to safely breast feed which is something I have wanted to...
I haven’t been collecting colostrum and now worried I should have been. Can anyone advise if this will have any problems on breast feeding once baby is here?
My 8 month old is impossible to feed she pops on and off 100s of times distracted by everything even in s dark room Forget going out because she won’t eat the entire time and starve herself I get soaked in my own milk as as soon as she starts it Drips out of me Why is everything with my daughter so hard
she said to start using a sippy cup for my 8 month old for milk is anyone else doing this?
Going into 9 months of EBF and it's been so hard. From poor latching (due to tongue tie), torticollis, nipple biting that lead to nipple damage, being the only one to put baby down for nap/bed because baby will only nurse to sleep and much more. It's all too much honestly. I want my body and freedom back. I'm a...
Does anyone know if I can take DayQuil while breastfeeding? I have such a bad chest/head cold and I don’t know if it’s safe.
How do you get gaviscon into a breastfed baby? The doctor prescribed it last month but he seemed to get better on his own but I’m convinced it’s getting worse at night and disturbing his sleep. He wakes up screaming, arching his back and then only thing that settles him back off most of the time is boob
Hey guys I just clocked 37 weeks .. my midwife said I can start getting my colostrum by now. Any tips ? Did you use a manual pump ? Can you use an electric pump ? Any tips will do as I want to start tomorrow 🫶🏾
Hi Everyone, I wanted to share that my baby was born on January 20th. I have been trying to feed her with both premade formula and expressed breast milk. However, I’ve noticed that I’m able to pump less milk than I expected. I usually pump three times a day and can express around 80-90 ml per session from both brea...
I feel like I am getting breastfeeding related anxiety due to the pain and discomfort. I breastfed my first for almost 3 years, but used a nipple shield for the first 12 weeks and maybe by then he was just better at knowing what to do but now when my newborn latches it literally feels like razor blades and makes me ...
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