
Looking for breastfeeding advice? We’ve got you. From latching and nipple care to pumping and positions, explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas.

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Do you HAVE to pump when nursing?

I had some trouble bf-ing my first baby and ended up pumping around the clock for a while as well as using some formula supplementation and eventually ended up just nursing him. I am about to have my second baby, and all of these things are coming back to me now and I’m kinda having PTSD thinking about all the time...


Breastfeeding Pain

Anyone else experience excruciating pain on latching baby? No tongue tie and been told latch is right. I physically couldn’t put baby on the boob this morning and had to give expressed milk because I ended up so upset just at the thought of latching. I fear that I might have to give up on breastfeeding 😭


Breastfeeding & period

Hi, I have been breastfeeding for 5 months and today I have my period for first time. I thought I won’t have my period at all if I’m breastfeeding. Did anyone have their period while breastfeeding? How did it affect the supply? I have also a cold, don’t know if that has anything to do. 😅 How was your experience?



I’d like to start pumping as well as breast feeding but I’m so unsure of where to start. How many oz of breast milk typically would baby have per feed? My son is 10 weeks today and I have been EBF since birth.


Expressing Vs formula

Hi, I have a 4 week old girl and due to her being small when she was born we had some latching issues and she never really took to breastfeeding. I however really wanted to give her my breast milk so fed colostrum for the first 4 days then due to her not latching and baby blues I fed her formula. 4 weeks on I am man...


Did you drink energy drinks while breastfeeding?

I drink coffee but I need something more. Legit falling asleep during the day


Refusing the boob !

Hey ! I’ve done a bit of breast feeding and bottle feeding since having my little boy (he’s 12 weeks now) his main feeds are bottle but I do a morning / night one on the boob or for comfort but now he is completely refusing being breast fed anymore. Is this a thing where they go off of it or him just being fussy ? I...


Colostrum syringes

Hi ladies, Im 37 +1 and my nipples felt sore today so I thought I would have my first go at collecting colostrum. I have very large breasts and found it quite difficult. I managed hardly 0.1ml using the syringes my midwife gave me. Can i keep the syringe in the fridge and use it try again later tonight and tomor...


Boob to sleep

3 month old will only fall asleep on the boob.. are all breastfeed babies the same, or should I bring in a dummy to help with self sooth? Thanks


Please help !

My daughter was born in August and I started breast-feeding, but it got too hard. I put her on formula has anybody ever reestablish their milk supply at four months? If so, any tips?? Anything helps


Selling Breastmilk???

So recently I posted on a community group on facebook for the town i live in, i posted about my milk and that i was selling it. I never put a specific price or anything on the post, i wanted to let the moms interested in buying my milk let me know what price they thought was fair. But I got attacked in the comment...


Was you baby able to self-wean?+other questions

How did you handle the pain? I have to pump if my baby isn’t nursing. 1 year in. Baby eats 3 meals a day and still nurses all day and night. No period yet. Wanting another baby but not trying to rush this baby off the boob if they aren’t ready yet either. I also can’t get baby to sleep or nap without nursing. We co-...



I harvested colostrum like crazy before birth because I was terrified of bad latch or supply. Now I have over 100ml just sitting in my freezer 2 months postpartum.. can I do anything with it? It it beneficial at all for my baby??


Exclusively Breastfeeding & Pumping

I'd like to pump some milk out so we can start introducing a bottle once a day for my partner to feed her. I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 10 weeks, and not sure how to go about pumping. Can anyone tell me what there routine looks like if you pump? Preferably I'd like to only pump once a day, is that possibl...


Baby gone off the bottle

My girl will not accept a bottle atm. Breast milk, formula... it doesn't matter what's in it, she is not having it. She used to be fine with them so I don't know what's changed. But today I left her with my mum and she did not feed for 5 hours because of this. She's nearly 5 months old. Any tips would be awesome. ...


Milk to weaning

Did anyone find when they starting weaning there baby, they totally went off there milk? My daughter is nearly 6 months old and will only drink her morning bottle x

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