Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Really random question... but what does your babies nipples look like?

I've only just paid any attention to it. I feel like my baby doesn't really have any nipples. Like she just has 2 tiny dots that are more like slits but can easily miss them. I tried to Google it and it sounds like inverted nipples. I'm wondering what "normal" babies nipples are meant to look like. I'm going to ask ...


Do babies stop breastfeeding on their own? Have a 16 months old and I’m struggling to quit

Advice please.🙏


Pump and dump?

I’ve had 3 drinks at a function and can’t help but feel guilty. How long would you pump and dump for?


Toddler & Milk

My little girl is going to be 3 in March and she still has cows milk for bedtime and again in the morning probably 2hours before she wakes up for the day (will not resettle without it and can be awake as early as 5am without it). My husband seems to think she’s too old now and I should just stop it, other mum friend...


Anyone else dealing with wrist pain from breastfeeding?

I'm pretty sure I've developed some kind of sprain in my wrist from holding baby’s head while breastfeeding 😅 It’s right near the bone that sticks out on the outside of my wrist, and it hurts quite a bit! (especially when twisting or lifting) I’ve heard of “mommy wrist”, so I think it might be that. Has anyone…


Milk production

Ok so how are you guys drying up your breast milk? I know it helps to stop nursing and pumping but is it painful for anyone? And if it is what do you do to help with the pain?


Parent support

Hi there i just wondered if anybody else has been through a similar situation to me. My son is 1 week old and me and my partner are just getting used to parent life ! I am breastfeeding which has been quite demanding at times but also very lovely to bond with him. My husband has tried to calm the baby and soothe how...



I had my baby a week ago and I am trying to increase my milk supply. Can you ladies help with suggestions? Please!


Please can experienced breast feeding moms help me, I'm desperate.

I've been breast feeding for 9 weeks now and it's been so hard. I come from a family of bottle fed babies so do t fully understand breastfeeding and have not got a lot of support. My baby hasn't been feeding right for about 4 weeks and it's progressively getting more difficult. She seems to be getting more upset b...


Offering boob too much?

I know there is no such thing as over feeding a breastfed baby. But I don't know if I'm over latching and am causing myself to become a pacifier sooner or later? My son is only 2 weeks old so I know he is of course cluster feeding and growing stomach, but I'm questioning if I'm messing up by giving him the boob ever...


Bottles overnight

I’ve recently stopped breastfeeding and my little girl (7.5 months) now has 2x6oz bottles through the night, is this normal? Usually bed at 7pm, up crying for a feed 12pm then up 4am hungry again. Won’t settle without food and drinks the full bottle?



My little sisters 21st birthday is coming up.. for years her and I talked about this seemingly very special day for her. However, I have a 2 month old. She is a preemie who didn’t quite get the hang of breastfeeding in the beginning. About 3 weeks ago we tried again and she is doing fantastic nursing now. The reason...


Struggling with colostrum harvesting

Is anyone else struggling with collecting colostrum? I’m 36+2 and today is day 3 of trying to harvest. I have gestational diabetes so particularly important for me to have a supply for baby arriving. When I first start I get little drops on the surface of my nipple and I keep going but it never comes to anything, no...


Breast feeding and alcohol

What’s everyone’s opinions on drinking and breastfeeding. I pump my milk and I’m going on my first night out PP next Friday. I’ve been told so many different things, one drink should be given 2-3 hours then some people say if you can find baby you can feed baby. Just wondering what everyone does when they’ve been dr...


What do you think? Would you be upset or what is this?

I hang out with a "friend" and she know i don't breastfed and use formula. She also knows the reasons that led me to make that decision. The other day I was complaining how my baby gets sick since she joined nursery and tells me thats not the case for them and that I should try to give hik breast milk because that ...


Breastfeeding frequency

How often do you breastfeed your babies? I'm currently doing every 4h during the day or so and a couple of times at night (baby wakes every 3-4h)


Positive TT stories ?

Hi all FTM and my 7 week old baby tongue-tie was discovered finally last week, so we are 7 days since the release. When did you see improvements in latching and longer feeds? For context, I investigated it because he was latching on and feeding but seemed to be so gassy and really struggling with wind. I wasn’t...


First time in public

Ventured out, first time breastfeeding in public, I was so nervous about this. He wouldn't latch whilst under a blanket, so here we are exposed, so to speak, lol 😆


Breast milk storage

I’ve been EBF for 4 months but starting to pump to build up a bit of a storage of milk. Just wondering how you all store your milk for those in similar boat? Are bags the best option so they freeze easier?! I’m trying to work out the best routine / practice for this so any tips would be great! And do you all steri...


Bf on demand

Anyone else still breastfeeding on demand. My LO really cut down feeds but the last 2 weeks or so hes been constantly wanting milk and throughout the night with so many wake ups. Not sure if this is normal or not 😭


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