Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

No colostrum or anything

I have no colostrum in one boob and maybe a few drops of clear liquid in the other. I’m nearly 38 weeks. Is this normal? I’m hoping to breast feed but worried this is a sign I can’t. Thanks for any thoughts xxx


Best breast pumps

I’m having my first baby and I’m hoping to breast feed. Could you please recommend the best breast pumps! Thanks


Water while exclusively breastfeeding.

Has anyone given their baby water when exclusively breastfeeding? My Aunty says it will help them digest easily help with gas and sleeping…


6 week cluster feeding

Anyone experiencing this?


Lumps in boobs

Hiya! My boobs are literally size J at this point they are so big 3 days after my son was born (I’m sure my milk came in on day 2). I have so many lumps and im super nervous about massaging them out. Has anyone got any advice to not only massage them out but to do it without increasing my milk supply? Xx


Single or dual breast pump?

So I decided to breastfeed baby no 2 as I lost the chance to do it with my first born. Is a dual breast pump worth it or will I just end up using just one anyway?x



What’s the rule with caffeine and breastfeeding?



Wow yall this shit sucks 🤣🤣 I breastfed my first one just 18 months ago and apparently blacked out all these hard times and now have a 4 day old baby and just came on here to complain hahaha. My nips hurt, I’m up every hour, I’m tired, I can barely fit in a shower in the schedule, my C section scar hurts, I feel…


Inconsolable baby after feeding

My baby is 3.5 weeks old and she’s inconsolable after feeding for 30 minutes after. She’s exclusively breastfed. I’m cutting out dairy (from today) to see if that helps her. We’ve also tried infacol but it doesn’t seem to help? It’s so heartbreaking seeing her so upset and uncomfortable. Any suggestions ladies pleas...


Vomiting and no interest in feeding?

My little boy started vomiting about 3am and has been on and off all day. He went about 8 hours without vomiting and then was sick again before bed just after a feed I'm still mainly breastfeeding (he is nearly 11 months but not big on food yet) and has spent about 1/4 of the time he usually does on the boob. 35 mi...


Milk Bleb/blister

I’ve got a white blister on one nipple which looks like it’s full of milk. It’s super painful when my baby is feeding (she’s exclusively breast fed). Has anyone experienced this before and if so please let me know how you treated it. I wasn’t sure if I needed to go to the doctors?:


Sorry for this post, probably wrong place

How would you feel if you didn’t sleep all night because you were breastfeeding baby and in the morning, instead of giving you support, your partner says that probably your milk is not good enough so baby is constantly feeding. Baby is EBF and she is over 15 lbs, not even 4 months yet. I feel like whatever I do is n...


Breast pumps?

Hey mamas, any recommendations on good breast pumps?



My 17 month old is still breastfeeding at night to fall asleep im wanting to stop as I am pregnant any one have any recommendations on how to stop and get him to sleep a different way I’ve tried rocking him I think he’s just so dependent on boob and being close to me it’s ganna be rough



Those who breastfeed. How long is your baby feeding for? Mines only feeding for about 2 minutes every 3ish hours. Is this normal to be so short? Nappies and weight are fine 🤷‍♀️


Breastfeeding & wine

Do you think it will be okay to have a glass of wine when we go out for Mother’s Day lunch and still breastfeed/ pump or shall I dump it?


Breastfeeding sensations

Does anyone else get shooting pains in their breast? I’ve not knowingly felt let downs in the past, but wondering if this is something like that? I also notice I get it if I have an emotion connected to my kids as weird as that sounds. I am BF but not fully, we do combi. It’s not mastitis or anything like that, I’m ...


Breast Milk Issue

I am 2 months PP. One of my breasts is completely out of milk. I pump, and there’s nothing. My other breast is producing milk. Does anyone know what I can do to increase my supply? I am so sad.


Breast sore and full of supply

Hi x It's second time mum here , I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant and my breast already started to produce milk like baby is here . It's not colostrum - it's proper supply . My breast is full and leaking good amount of milk and I don't know what to do now. It's so painful and tender , I can't even move .


Excruciating pain while pumping

I’m currently 4 days pp and it has taken now for my colostrum/ milk to come in. So far up to this point I’ve had to give baby formula to ensure they are getting enough. I’m not someone who is 100% set on breastfeeding and have the view that as long as baby is fed and happy, then that’s all that matters. When I hav...


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