6 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

6 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

Can you believe you’ve been pregnant for half a year?

At 6 months pregnant, you’ve done so much already, mama!

You’ve found out that your little one was on the way, shared your news, and dealt with the sometimes unpleasant symptoms of the first trimester.

You’ve had checkups and doctors’ appointments and glimpsed your little one’s face on the ultrasound.

You might even know by now whether you’re expecting a boy or a girl.

Whether it’s flying past or it feels like time has stretched out, here’s what’s going on for you and your baby right now.

In this article: 📝

  • How many weeks is six months pregnant?
  • What should I expect at 6 months pregnant?
  • What does a fetus look like at 6 months?
  • Do babies kick at 6 months?
  • 6 months pregnant symptoms
  • What can you do at 6 months pregnant?


How many weeks is six months pregnant?

The sixth month of pregnancy is the last month of the second trimester, which puts you somewhere between 23 and 27 weeks.

Since it’s normal for pregnancy to last about 40 weeks (babies are considered full term between 37 and 42 weeks), you’ve more than made past the halfway point.

Congratulations, mama!

What should I expect at 6 months pregnant?

Chances are, you’re starting to look quite pregnant.

If there are still friends, family, or colleagues you haven’t told, they’ll probably be able to work it out by themselves.

And around this time, you might even find strangers making small talk about your due date or offering you their seat on the bus.

You’ll also probably find yourself wearing more maternity clothes this month because your 6-months pregnant belly is growing pretty quickly — and even more so if you’re 6 months pregnant with twins or multiples!

If your doctor is measuring your fundal height (the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus), this is the point where they’d expect it to increase by about a centimeter every week.

Another fun fact?

The fundal height will sort of match the number of weeks pregnant you are.

So, while every mama-to-be is unique, you can expect a fundal height measurement of between 23 and 27 cm during month 6.

What does a fetus look like at 6 months?

Your little one isn’t just getting bigger by the day — they’re getting sweeter too.

They still have a lot of weight to put on and a lot of length to gain, but compared to months 2 and 3 of pregnancy, they’re looking much more like a miniature human.

During month 6 of pregnancy, your baby almost doubles their weight.

In week 23, they’re almost 12 inches long and weigh about 1 lb (about 500 g).

By week 27, they can be more than 14 inches long and weigh 2 lbs (almost 900 g).

If you’re thinking in farmer’s market terms, that’s like going from the size of a carrot to a corn cob and then a head of cabbage.

Your little one is still covered in lanugo, the hair keeping them warm.

They won’t start losing this until the end of the pregnancy, usually from 7 months onward

Speaking of fuzz, their eyelashes, eyebrows, and the hair on their head should also start developing this month.

Fun old wives tales say that if you have bad heartburn during your pregnancy, your baby will be born with lots of hair.

So how are you feeling on that front?

And there’s a lot of important stuff happening inside your little one’s body too.

Their internal organs are all present, but they still have a lot of development to do so that they can support them when they’re born.

Here’s something really exciting — the senses that your little one will use to explore the world are starting to kick into gear.

They’re beginning to hear sounds, and very soon, their eyes will be able to tell the difference between light and dark.

The taste buds on their tongue are also becoming more sensitive.

And there’s some evidence that they can taste the foods you eat and even start to pick out their favorite foods while they’re still in utero.

Do babies kick at 6 months?

Most first-time mamas will feel their baby move around month 5, and some veteran mothers will notice the kicks even earlier.

So there’s a chance you’re already familiar with your baby’s movements by this point.

Babies still have lots of room to wriggle at 6 months gestation.

You might notice that there are times of the day when they’re especially active.

They might move more when you drink something cold.

And you might be able to tell the difference between them stretching out and them having an adorable case of the hiccups.

In fact, as you get further along in your pregnancy, you should pay attention to these patterns of movement and give your doctor a call if you don’t feel your babe move like they normally do.

You’ll probably feel kicks all over your belly, so it may not be that easy to know what position your baby is in.

(The best way to tell is with an ultrasound.)

But don’t sweat it, mama.

Even if they’re still hanging out among your ribs, they’ve got plenty of time to move into the ideal head-down position for birth.
At 28 weeks, 25% of babies are breech (butt down), but this drops to only 3–4% by the end of the third trimester.

6 months pregnant symptoms

Lots of people rave about the second trimester — no more pregnancy sickness, a gorgeous bump with lots of tiny kicks, and bags of energy.

This might be your experience, but if it’s not, please feel free to complain about being pregnant and nap on the couch.

Lots of mamas-to-be in the Peanut Community are in exactly the same boat.

And fewer symptoms doesn’t mean no symptoms either.

After all, your little squish is now the size of a small squash, and they’re not afraid to move your internal organs around to make room for themselves.

So here’s what you can expect to contend with this month.


If your uterus is pressing on your stomach, you might have heartburn after eating, when lying down, or just all day long.

If it’s very painful or messing with your precious sleep, ask your doctor about what heartburn remedies are safe during pregnancy.


As well as pushing your stomach up, your little one is pushing your bladder down, so you might still be running to the bathroom more often than ever.

If it’s getting trickier to empty your bladder completely, you should also watch out for bladder and urinary tract infections.

As much as you’d rather not run to the bathroom every 30 minutes, it’s best to stay hydrated.


And speaking of pressing on internal organs, if you’re finding yourself more out of breath than usual, your lungs might be running short on space too.

Just remember, chest pain and sudden, unexplained shortness of breath are not normal, even during pregnancy, and need to be investigated by your doctor.


By this point, you might notice that your boobs have kicked into action and produced their first colostrum — the liquid gold that your body makes to nourish your baby during their first few days on earth.


Although some people still find it easy to move around during the second trimester, you might have back, hip, and joint pain from carrying the extra weight of your little one.

And remember, as your body stretches to make room for its little passenger, it gets easier to injure yourself.

Gentle pregnancy exercises are great for you and your baby.

Just talk to your healthcare team before trying anything new, stop if something hurts, and don’t try to beat any pre-pregnancy personal bests.

Cramping at 6 months pregnant

At 6 months, cramping might be Braxton Hicks contractions — your body’s way of practicing for labor.

These often feel tight but not exactly painful, and they might come and go.

It’s still best to mention any cramping to your doctor and keep an eye out for other signs of premature labor.

What can you do at 6 months pregnant?

Pregnant people are used to being told what they can’t do.

So here are some things that you can do!

  • Eat well: Growing a baby takes a lot of energy. If you’re always hungry during pregnancy, try to fill up on veggies and healthy protein, while still indulging the occasional pregnancy craving.
  • Rest: Sit with your legs up if you’re starting to notice swelling in your feet and ankles.
  • Exercise: Maybe even at a pregnancy yoga or swimming class to meet other mamas-to-be.
  • Plan something fun: like a baby shower or a babymoon trip.

Can you fly at 6 months pregnant?

And if you’re asking, “can you fly at 6 months pregnant?” you’re still good unless your doctor has given you a medical reason not to.

Most airlines let you fly until 36 weeks.

They might just need a fit-to-fly note from your doctor if you’re traveling during your third trimester.

At 6 months, you don’t fall into this category yet.

Still, if you look very pregnant, it might be a good idea to travel with a doctor’s note or an official confirmation of your due date, just to avoid any problems while you’re trying to board.

6 months pregnant might be when you really start to feel like you have a tiny human inside you.

Whether that’s amazing, annoying, anxiety-inducing, or all three, what you’re feeling is totally valid.

Your healthcare team is there for you at this incredible time, and the Peanut Community gets it too.

Strap in for the third trimester!

🤰 Read next: 7 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy


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