You’re 8 months pregnant!
You’re getting close, mama.
This period can be exhausting, overwhelming, and exciting all at once. Here’s what to expect.
Holy smokes, things are getting real.
You’re 8 months pregnant, mama, and you’re feeling all the things.
Yep, we’re referring to the exhaustion, the swollen feet, and those pesky tweaks and twinges.
But also to the flutters of excitement and anticipation.
You should be meeting your brand-new baby in no time at all.
We’re sure you’ve got a few questions about this time.
Fortunately, we’re here to answer them!
In this article: 📝
- How many weeks is 8 months pregnant?
- What should I expect at 8 months pregnant?
- How does 8 month baby look like in the womb?
- Is it safe to have delivery at 8 months?
- What is the position of a baby at 8 months?
- Why is 8th month of pregnancy critical?
- How should I sleep in 8th month of pregnancy?
How many weeks is 8 months pregnant?
The 8-month period is roughly between week 32 and week 35.
Remember, it’s tough to divide 40 exactly into 9 months, so these numbers tend not to be exact.
At this time, your growing baby (and oh, how they’re growing!) is about 11 inches long, or 45.72cm, and they’re approximately the size of a pineapple. 🍈 [1]
What should I expect at 8 months pregnant?
So, what are some 8 months pregnant symptoms?
You guessed it!
Those old friends, heartburn and constipation, are still there.
But you could also be feeling one or more of the following symptoms — sometimes several at the same time.
Hang in there, it’s all par for the course.

Pregnancy fatigue
It’s real.
Your body’s working overtime right now, mama.
Rest as often as you need to.
Difficulty breathing
Your growing uterus is putting pressure on all your internal organs, including your lungs.
You might find that you’re a little short of breath at times.
More than a little emotional
Is the sight of a babygro enough to reduce you to tears?
That’s to be expected, too.
This can be an overwhelming time, and between the fatigue, trying to get the final things in place, and wading through all the advice you’re getting, it’s totally fine if you feel a little weepy at times.
Remember to steer clear of advice that feels pushy or unsolicited.
This is your pregnancy and your baby, you do you. ❤️
Slightly clumsy
We’re all clumsy at times
But being 8 months pregnant — well, that’s a surefire way of being more uncoordinated than ever before.
Not only has your center of gravity changed completely, but the hormone relaxin is also loosening all your joints. [2]
Talk about unfair!
Take it slowly, and don’t be hard on yourself if you tend to knock a few things over once in a while.
Varicose veins
These are likely to appear on your legs but can also appear in your rectum, causing hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids can be painful and itchy, but they usually go away before too long. [3]
(You don’t have to suffer in silence, though.
Talk to your doctor if they’re worrying you.)
Leaky breasts
Whether you’re planning on breastfeeding or not, your body is starting to get ready.
Breast pads can help to protect your bras and clothing from the breast milk that’s trying to escape.
Slightly less control of your bladder
Sorry mama, this one’s a tough one.
At the moment, simply laughing or sneezing can be enough for a bit of urine to leak out.
There are some great pregnancy pads out there, or you can even try some period pants.
Great hair
Good news at last!
Full, healthy-looking hair is common at this stage of your pregnancy. [4]
Flaunt it.

How does 8 month baby look like in the womb?
And inside?
What’s going on in there?
One of the biggest and most important changes is your baby’s brain, which is growing in leaps and bounds right now.
Your little one is also gaining weight.
And they’re also starting to hiccup!
Seriously, how cute?
You might also be able to notice their kicks from the outside (as well as feel them on the inside).
At the 8-month mark, your little one’s lanugo is starting to fall off.
Lanugo is the fine, soft hair that has been covering your baby’s body since month 5. [5]
So, is the baby fully developed at 8 months?
Not quite, but they’re getting there!
In addition to their growing brain, your little one’s organs are developing quickly, too, and should be maturing well.
One of the last things to finish developing is their lungs. [6]
That’s why babies who are born at 8 months often need a little help breathing on their own when they first arrive in the world.
Is it safe to have delivery at 8 months?
Depending on the circumstances of your baby’s birth, yes, it’s possible that they’ll be healthy if they’re born at 8 months.
Late preterm babies are those born between 34 and 36 weeks.
Moderately preterms are between 32 and 34.
Very preterm babies are born before the 8-month or 32-week mark.
(Our guide to preemies is here to answer your questions.)
Babies that are born after week 34 can typically go on to lead healthy lives.
What is the position of a baby at 8 months?
At 8 months, most babies are getting ready to be born.
This means that they have “dropped” and that their heads are facing downwards, prepped to go through the birth canal.
Remember, though, that every baby is different, and some babies about 3 to 4% have other ideas. [7]
If your baby is in the breech position (with their bottoms facing downwards), they might need a little help to turn so that they’re in the right position.
They might also still turn around on their own.
If they don’t turn around, your doctor might recommend that you have a C-section.
Why is 8th month of pregnancy critical?
Well, it isn’t necessarily.
If your pregnancy is going smoothly, the 8th month isn’t more or less critical than the months that have come before, or the final month that might be to come.
The third trimester is important because your baby is doing some pretty serious growing in this time.
But the first and second trimesters are important, too.
Take good care of yourself during this time, eat well, get some gentle exercise, and rest if you need to.
How should I sleep in 8th month of pregnancy?
Ah, sleep.
It’s already feeling pretty elusive, and your baby isn’t even here yet!
Try and nurture a healthy bedtime routine for yourself to get as good a rest as you can during this time.
This might include going to bed at consistent times, taking a relaxing bath, and staying away from electronics and other stimulants late at night.
You may also want to look into finding a supportive pillow that will ease the strain on your tummy.
Remember, the recommendation that you try to sleep on your left-hand side (if you can) still applies.
But don’t let this stress you out.
Either side is fine.
Just avoid lying on your back.
The finish line is in sight, mama, which can be a wonderful and daunting thought.
We’re right beside you, cheering you on.
And our community is here to help you whenever you need us.