Your cervix position can tell you a lot ‒ where you’re at in your menstrual cycle, if you’re pregnant, and if you’re sexually aroused.
Your cervix is the grand entrance to your womb from your vagina.
Your cervix position can give you intel on two very important issues:
- Where you’re at in your menstrual cycle
- If you’re pregnant
How does that happen?
As it turns out, your cervix comes with a built-in vetting system.
It allows semen in and blood and mucus out.
Your cervix also helps out with fertilization by producing a special mucus that helps sperm move into your fallopian tube and stick around for a few days to wait for the egg.
It also dilates (opens) and effaces (softens) when you give birth.
All in all, it’s a pretty key body part.
Getting to know it can give you insight into what’s happening in your body.
So we had a chat with Dr. Kiarra King, MD, physician and board-certified OB-GYN, on the ins and outs of your cervix position.
In this article: 📝
- What does the position of my cervix mean?
- Can you touch your cervix?
- How to check your cervix position
- How does your cervix feel in early pregnancy?
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What does the position of my cervix mean?
Generally, if you have conceived, your cervix will be high, firm, and closed. If you haven’t conceived, it could be high, soft, and open (during your fertile window), low and firm (if you’re not on your period), or low, firm, and slightly open (if you are on your period).
Mainly, the position of your cervix tells you whether your body is interested in inviting sperm to its party (or whether it already has).
Sometimes it’s open for business, sometimes it’s not.
Estrogen is the hormone in charge of your menstrual cycle.
As it goes up and down, so too does your cervix position and texture.
It goes a little something like this:
- Cervix position during ovulation: It is high, moist, soft, and open. This is the time you are most likely to conceive.
- Cervix position before period: your cervix is low and hard. When your period starts, it will open slightly to let blood out. Once your period finishes, it stays low but closes up until you ovulate again.
- Cervix position after ovulation if pregnant. You will have a high cervix when you’re pregnant, and it will be firm and closed ‒ until birth when things really open up.
(Quick note: Checking your cervix position is not a conclusive method when it comes to knowing whether you’re pregnant. Nothing beats taking a test and visiting your doctor.)

How does cervix feel before period if pregnant?
If you are pregnant, your cervix will feel soft initially, but it will get firmer and stay high in your body, closing up to protect your embryo.
Then, when it’s time for labor, it’ll get softer and open up, ready for baby to make their appearance!
Can you tell if your period is coming by your cervix?
Sometimes, yes. Your cervix position before period will feel low and hard.
Then it’ll open slightly ‒ this is to allow the menstrual blood to flow.
It’ll stay low and firm until your period ends, at which point, it’ll start to get higher and softer, ready for ovulation ‒ your fertile window in your menstrual cycle.
Is cervix high or low right before period?
Your cervix will be low and firm during your period ‒ some people find it easier to feel their cervix either right before or during their periods.
Why is my cervix high and soft?
If your cervix is high and soft, it can mean that you’re ovulating.
This is the time in your cycle that you’re at your most fertile ‒ you can use the acronym SHOW (Soft, High, Open, Wet) for your cervix position during ovulation.
Why is my cervix high and firm?
If your cervix is high and firm, it can mean that you’re in the early stages of pregnancy.
But as your pregnancy goes on, your cervix will soften, ready for the baby’s b-day!
Closed cervix vs open cervix: pregnancy?
Your cervix will be closed during pregnancy, to protect the embryo growing inside.
But as labor approaches, you may notice that your cervix will start to open more, so baby can make their grand entrance into the world!
But a closed cervix doesn’t necessarily mean you are definitely pregnant ‒ it can just happen during the course of your menstrual cycle.
But it is a little unusual, so if you think you have a closed cervix when you’re not pregnant, it can be a good idea to have a chat with your healthcare provider.
Can you touch your cervix?
You can ‒ and, for some, this is a great way to get the information you need.
(Note that it doesn’t work for everyone. Your cervix is quite deep in your body and not everyone is able to feel it, particularly when it’s in a high position. Also, if you currently have an infection of any sort, it’s best to keep your fingers away from that area.)
How to check your cervix position
If it feels right to you, use a clean middle finger (or whatever finger is easiest for you).
You’re checking for:
- Position (high or low)
- Openness (open or closed)
- Texture (hard or soft)

Here are some other tips that may help:
- If you can, start this adventure when you’re not ovulating. Because you don’t have a high cervix at this point, it might be easier to feel.
- Try to check your cervix position regularly (every few days) so that you can start to identify changes.
- Being sexually aroused can also have an impact, moving your cervix up and frontwards. So, if you’re wanting to check your cervix position, before and after sex are not the best times as things may have shifted around a bit.
How does your cervix feel in early pregnancy?
During early pregnancy, your body takes an all-hands-on-deck approach and increases blood flow significantly ‒ usually by about 40%.
This provides tremendous support for your uterus so that it can perform the job it has to do.
Learn more: Your Cervix in Early Pregnancy
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One of the things this increased blood flow does is change the texture of your cervix.
Another amazing thing your cervix does when you’re pregnant?
It creates a mucus plug to protect your baby inside the womb.
As it gets closer to time to give birth, you may lose that plug, whether you give birth vaginally or by C-section.
(Please note, it is not recommended to check the cervix during pregnancy, especially in the case of known complications such as a placenta previa or low-lying placenta.)
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