Newborn Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

Newborn Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

Can you believe it? Your precious little one is here! 😍

After all those months of dreaming and waiting, you finally have your beautiful baby in your arms, and wow - what a difference a week makes! Life probably feels like it’s been turned completely upside down (in the best possible way). Wondering what’s in store for you and your tiny newcomer over these next few days?

If your head is spinning a bit right now, that’s totally normal - every new parent goes through this amazing adjustment! Let’s explore what’s ahead for you and your one-week-old sweetie. ✨

How to take care of a newborn baby

Congratulations on bringing this tiny human into the world!

Everything feels new and very real right now, doesn’t it?

Feeling overwhelmed? That’s completely normal!

There’s no perfect guidebook, just lots of learning together, and probably quite a few deep breaths.

Here’s what to expect

😴 Sleep (and finding your rhythm): Your little one is still adjusting to life outside the womb, so their sleep patterns are all over the place. Take advantage of those peaceful moments when baby sleeps, and remember, at 3 AM, there are countless other parents right there with you on Peanut.

👩‍🍼 The feeding journey begins: Your baby will want to feed frequently, typically every 2-3 hours, day and night. If you’re breastfeeding, don’t worry if your milk hasn’t fully come in yet – it’s perfectly normal for babies to lose up to 10% of their birth weight in these first days. Your colostrum (early milk) is liquid gold, packed with everything they need.

When cluster feeding happens (and it will!), remember it’s nature’s way of helping establish your milk supply. Those frequent feeds are your baby’s way of telling your body exactly what they need.

🧷 The diaper chronicles: Welcome to your first diaper changes! In these early days, you’ll meet meconium – your baby’s first poop, which looks like sticky, greenish-black tar. Don’t worry, this is totally normal! It’s just everything they swallowed while swimming in your womb (like amniotic fluid and skin cells).

After about 24 hours, you’ll notice a transition. If you’re breastfeeding, expect runny, yellowish, seedy poops (think mustard!), while formula-fed babies tend to have lighter brown, more paste-like stools. Aim for 6-8 wet diapers daily once your milk comes in – it’s a great sign your little one is getting enough to eat.

Pro tip: keep those wipes warm! Nobody likes a cold surprise during a diaper change.

🤗 Skin-to-skin magic: This intimate contact isn’t just cozy – it helps regulate baby’s temperature, stabilizes their heart rate, and can even boost your milk production. Plus, there’s nothing quite like those first snuggles.

🫶 Postpartum care matters: Your body just did something amazing, and now it needs to heal. You’re in what’s known as the fourth trimester – a crucial period of recovery and adjustment for both you and your baby. Accept help, rest when possible, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider with questions about your recovery.

Want to understand more about this special time? Read our complete guide to the fourth trimester.

🤪 Embrace these moments: These days are a beautiful blur of feeding sessions, diaper changes, and getting to know each other. You’re both learning – be patient with yourself and your baby as you navigate this new journey together.

Life with a newborn is a beautiful whirlwind.

Everything feels intense and overwhelming right now, and that’s completely normal – every new parent has been exactly where you are.
Your body is recovering from the incredible journey of birth, while you’re learning to care for this tiny human who’s just discovering the world outside the womb.

Right now, it’s all about gentle moments, skin-to-skin cuddles, and taking one feed at a time.

You’ve got this!

The first few days are a blur of feeds, diapers, and precious snuggles, but day by day, you and your little one will find your rhythm together.

Soon, those first smiles will make all these sleepless nights worth it.

Take a deep breath, mama – you’re doing amazing! 🫶

➡️ Read next: 1 Week Old Baby: Feeding, Care, Sleep & What to Expect

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