Testosterone Pellets for Women: What to Know

Testosterone Pellets for Women: What to Know

We’re hearing more and more about testosterone pellets for women.

Some say they can help address a range of issues, from low libido to depression, from anxiety to hair loss.

Others caution that they’re untested and even dangerous. So who’s right?

We’re going to look at the science behind testosterone pellets.

And we’ll investigate the evidence for — and against — the claims.

In this article: 📝

  • What is testosterone therapy for women?
  • What are testosterone pellets?
  • What are testosterone pellets used for — and do they work?
  • How quickly do testosterone pellets work in women?
  • What are the side effects of testosterone pellets in females?
  • How long do testosterone pellets for women last?
  • Testosterone pellets for women: the bottom line

What is testosterone therapy for women?

Testosterone is often thought of as a male hormone, but in fact, women produce it too.

For both men and women, testosterone levels decline with age.

For women, that process can start well before menopause and usually stabilizes at around 65 years old.

Recently, the spotlight has turned to testosterone as a potential remedy for unpleasant menopausal and other symptoms.

While the FDA has not approved any testosterone remedies for women, they are nevertheless available in several forms, including creams, suppositories, and pellets. [1]

What are testosterone pellets?

Testosterone pellets are tiny, time-release pellets with low-dose testosterone designed for women

They’re inserted beneath the skin, usually on the hip or upper buttocks, and while that sounds like a lot, don’t worry — the incision is small and usually sealed with Steri-Strips.

From there, the pellets gradually dissolve, releasing testosterone into the bloodstream over time.

You may hear of pellets that contain “bioidentical” testosterone for females.

Bioidentical testosterone is made in a lab.

But it has the same molecular structure as the hormone that’s naturally present in your body.

Embryologist Navya Muralidhar explains, “To determine the best dose for you, you may have to take a blood test beforehand to assess your natural hormone levels.”.

What are testosterone pellets used for — and do they work?

Some practitioners argue that testosterone therapy can help with a whole host of symptoms.

These include:

  • Increases in abdominal fat
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Reduced sexual function
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Brain fog

But while this all sounds great, the evidence supporting these claims is unclear.

And there’s plenty of controversy around the whole subject.

In 2020, a review of the research noted a lack of good-quality information on the effects of testosterone therapy for women. [2]

It did, though, find some encouraging results.

There was evidence that testosterone therapy could help address some sexual problems in women who had passed menopause. [3]

It assisted with two specific conditions, known as Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) and Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FASD). [4,5]

Dosage was found to be a crucial factor.

The research showed that dosage for women should mimic the testosterone levels of perimenopause.

The preparation method is important too.

There wasn’t enough evidence to support the use of what’s known as “compounded preparations.”

Those are custom-made in special pharmacies and don’t go through the same safety and other tests as regulated therapies.

And if you have HSDD or FASD and haven’t gone through menopause, the jury is still out as to whether this treatment will be helpful for you.

There just isn’t enough data yet to say whether it will be effective.

Sadly, the same goes for the other conditions for which testosterone therapy is often recommended.

It’s always possible it could work, but for now, the evidence just isn’t there.

👉 Explore other menopause treatments

How quickly do testosterone pellets work in women?

As we’ve seen, testosterone therapy may have positive effects for some women with specific conditions.

But it isn’t easy to find clear information on questions like how quickly it will work.

If you’re considering testosterone therapy, whether pellets or another form, talk it through with your doctor.

It’s a complicated topic, and unfortunately, there aren’t easy answers.

And when you come across promises of speedy results, take them with a hefty pinch of salt.

We’ve seen claims that women can see positive results in as little as two or three days, but some also claim reduced symptoms over 10-14 days.

But those claims were being made by clinics offering the treatment.

The procedures can have big price tags attached, and they’re easy and cheap for clinics to carry out. [6]

In other words, more women taking testosterone pellets can be a lucrative new income stream for practitioners.

That gives them a major vested interest in talking up their efficacy.

What are the side effects of testosterone pellets in females?

If the benefits of hormone pellets for women are hotly debated, so too are the side effects.

The good news is that the available data don’t show any serious adverse effects from long-term testosterone therapy.

That’s as long as we’re talking about therapies that mimic the levels naturally found before menopause.

Some clinicians are concerned about the effect of testosterone on bone density and the heart.

There’s not enough evidence at the moment to say whether this is really a problem or not.

And there are wildly differing opinions on testosterone and breast cancer.

Some believe testosterone pellets reduce the risk; others that they increase it. [7,8]

The evidence suggests there doesn’t appear to be a higher risk in the short term, but the long-term effects aren’t yet clear.

There is evidence of more minor, though unpleasant, side effects.

Some women experience a slight increase in acne or facial or body hair from taking testosterone. [9,10]

How long do testosterone pellets for women last?

Different manufacturers provide different information about the lifespan of their pellets.

BioTe, one of the best known, say they last for about 3 to 4 months in women. [11]

But the exact duration will depend on your age and health.

So how often should women get testosterone pellets?

Unfortunately, for now, it’s not possible to say.

Testosterone pellets for women: the bottom line

Hormonal changes are something that affects us all as we get older.

And they can bring with them a long list of challenges.

Testosterone pellets are an interesting addition to the list of potential remedies.

But while some people swear by them, they’re not approved or regulated by the FDA.

That means that while there are many claims and counter-claims, there’s not much good, scientific information on their effectiveness.

And the same goes for any side effects. It’s sadly a similar story to that of lots of other menopause supplements.

But there are some positive signs.

If you’ve passed menopause and have problems with vaginal dryness, sexual arousal or desire, testosterone could help.

Talk it through with your doctor, who should be able to give you more information about the different options.

And if you’d like to connect on all things menopause, join our Peanut community.

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