Watery Discharge: Feels Like I Peed Myself

Watery Discharge: Feels Like I Peed Myself

Noticed some excessive watery discharge that you’re not sure about?

Did you know that your vagina is constantly cleaning itself?

The discharge your body produces is normal, healthy, and it protects you from a lot of different problems ‘down there’.

But since discharge can look different depending on what your hormones are doing that day, it’s also normal to have questions about what it means.

So if you’re thinking Why have I got watery discharge that feels like I peed myself?, rest assured, you’re certainly not the only one.

But there could be a few reasons for your excessive watery discharge, so let’s explore.

In this article: 📝

  • What does watery discharge mean?
  • What causes a watery discharge?
  • Does watery discharge mean pregnancy?
  • Why does my discharge feel like I wet myself?
  • What infection causes watery discharge?
  • How do I get rid of watery discharge?

What does watery discharge mean?

Glands in your vagina and cervix produce about half a teaspoon of discharge every day.

You might see it in your underwear or on the toilet paper after you go to the bathroom.

Vaginal discharge is usually somewhere on the color spectrum between clear and milky white.

And, while thicker or creamy discharge can be healthy too, it’s often quite thin or even watery.

Whatever the consistency, your vaginal discharge is pretty amazing stuff. It has three main jobs:

  • Lubricate and clean the vagina
  • Fighting off bacteria that could cause an infection
  • Protecting your skin

The reason that we can sometimes spend a lot of time thinking about it isn’t because vaginal discharge is a problem, but because it can be a little unpredictable.

Everyone’s body is different, and discharge will look different at different times in your life – or even different times of the month.

It changes throughout your cycle, during pregnancy, in the lead-up to menopause, and on certain kinds of birth control.

Types of watery discharge

“Watery discharge” in itself encompasses a wide range of vaginal discharge types, so let’s see what each typically looks like:

Excessive watery discharge feels like I peed myself

This is pretty common ‒ that unexpected feeling of “gushing”, when you’re not sure if your period has started, you’ve accidentally peed, you’re in the mood, or it’s just a random flood of watery discharge.

You may even feel the need to check your underwear, just to make sure there’s no leaking.

Yup, that definitely sounds like sudden excessive watery discharge.

Watery milky white discharge

Now we’re looking at the color of your watery discharge ‒ sometimes it can be clear, other times it can be white and milky-looking.

If you notice a watery discharge that’s similar in look to your normal egg-white, creamy discharge, just a bit thinner, you’ve got some watery milky white discharge.

Clear watery discharge

Ah yes, the most common culprit for those panicked what is this clear watery discharge that feels like I peed myself?? posts on Peanut.

This is the type of watery discharge that has you frantically rushing to the bathroom.

But not to worry, it’s not as isolating or as unusual as you think.

More on this below.

Now we know the types of watery discharge, let’s look at the causes.

What causes a watery discharge?

But what causes watery discharge?

Usually, it’s nothing at all to worry about.

It can even be a reassuring sign that your body is working as it should.

It’s just important to know what’s normal for you, and the warning signs that you can watch out for.

If you’re noticing more excessive watery discharge than you’re used to, it might be down to one of the following things:

You’re ovulating

Around the middle of your cycle, your ovaries release an egg.

At the same time, your body usually produces more discharge to make it easier for sperm to reach the egg and fertilize it.

This discharge is usually white, clear, thin, and stretchy (it’s sometimes compared to egg whites).

So if you have more watery discharge than usual, but it only sticks around for a day or two, it might be your body’s way of saying that you’re extra fertile right now.

And if you’re confused about feeling like you’re on your period, but it’s just clear watery discharge, it could signify the middle of your cycle ‒ ovulation.

Your period is due

Some people get watery discharge a few days before their period.

Again, this can be a totally normal part of your menstrual cycle ‒ your vagina’s way of getting ready for your (roughly) monthly period.

About one to two days before your period, discharge should be sticky, dry, or maybe completely absent.

This is down to your progesterone levels rising to support a potential pregnancy, inhibiting the secretion of cervical mucus.

You’re on birth control

Some brands of the pill contain a lot of estrogen, which is one of the hormones responsible for triggering watery discharge.

You might notice thinner discharge than usual when you’re on hormonal birth control, especially in the first few months after you start on a new kind.

You’re in the mood

As well as self-lubricating to keep things clean, your vagina lubricates itself when you’re aroused.

If you’re turned on, more blood flows to your vagina, and it produces more fluid to get ready for sex. This is usually pretty watery.

By the way, if you find that you struggle to get wet, artificial (ideally water-based) lube can make sex more comfortable.

It’s normal for your vagina to feel dry during pregnancy, while you’re breastfeeding, and during menopause.

You’re eating a lot of soy

There’s some evidence that foods rich in soy – not just soy milk but foods like miso, tofu, and veggie burgers – have compounds that can mimic the effect of estrogen in the body.

Supposedly it’s a good way to promote vaginal lubrication.

You’ve recently exercised

When you exercise, your heart rate rises and blood flows more quickly to your whole body (including your vagina).

You might notice an increased amount of clear, watery discharge in your underwear after your workout.

It’s not that your body is producing more vaginal discharge but more a case of expelling more.

You’re going through menopause

Although a high level of estrogen can lead to more clear watery discharge than normal, a low-level can (confusingly!) have the same effect.

During menopause, some women experience vaginal atrophy, where the walls of the vagina get thinner and more fragile.

Watery discharge can be a symptom of this.

And then there are a couple of cases where what seems like clear discharge (or watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself) isn’t actually discharge at all.

Stress incontinence

Your pelvic floor can get weaker as you age, or when you’re carrying a baby.

Kegels are a really effective way of strengthening the muscles, but sometimes a little bit of pee can escape when you laugh, run, jump, or even cough and sneeze.

Water breaking

When a pregnant woman’s water breaks in the movies, it’s always in a gush.

In real life, it’s often more of a trickle. It’s easy to mistake it for urine, or even excessive watery discharge, especially if you haven’t had any contractions yet.

Does watery discharge mean pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you’ll probably have a lot more discharge than usual.

But if you’re trying to conceive, it’s not necessarily a sign that your BFP (big fat positive) is on the way.

It’s normal for your discharge to be thicker and drier at the end of your cycle, so if you still have watery discharge before your period, it might be a sign that there’s a baby in your future.

The position of your cervix might give you another clue, but the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test.

Is watery discharge that feels like I peed myself a sign of early pregnancy?

Sometimes, yes ‒ watery discharge can be an early indicator of pregnancy.

But not for everyone ‒ some peoples’ vaginal discharge in early pregnancy can be thicker than usual, whiter than usual, clearer than usual, or even the same.

It really varies for each pregnant person.

What type of discharge indicates pregnancy?

There is no single type of vaginal discharge that indicates pregnancy ‒ the best indicator of pregnancy is a pregnancy test.

But if you notice any changes in your discharge, that could well be a sign.

And if you don’t notice any difference from your normal discharge, don’t fret, because that could still be an early sign of pregnancy.

Why does my discharge feel like I wet myself?

Sometimes, whether it’s a sudden gush or a trickle of watery discharge, it can feel like you’ve just wet yourself.

First off, don’t panic ‒ it’s usually perfectly normal, and happens to every person with a vagina.

What does a gush of watery discharge mean?

There are a few reasons why you have a sudden gush of watery discharge that feels like you’ve wet yourself:

  • Ovulation
  • Hormonal birth control
  • Arousal
  • Medication or food affecting your hormone levels
  • Exercise
  • Menopause

What infection causes watery discharge?

You usually don’t have to worry about watery discharge at all.

On the other hand, if you have a lot more than normal, you can make an appointment to discuss it with your doctor.

Sometimes, discharge can indicate that you have an infection of some kind. Some of the most common ones are:

  • A yeast infection, also known as thrush or candida
  • Bacterial vaginosis
  • The parasite trichomoniasis
  • A sexually transmitted disease like gonorrhea or chlamydia

In this case, though, the discharge isn’t usually watery.

  • It might be yellow, white, or greenish, and yeast infections sometimes look lumpy.
  • It will probably smell bad – normal discharge should smell slightly salty or sour, but an infection often causes a ‘fishy’ smell.
  • It might be bloody, or you might be spotting more than usual in between your periods.
  • And if it comes with any soreness, itchiness, pain after sex, or pain when you go to the bathroom, it’s best to call your doctor to get it checked out.

How do I get rid of watery discharge?

Watery discharge will usually go away on its own ‒ it’s typically quite fleeting and doesn’t happen very often.

But if you find that your watery discharge is happening regularly, and you’re worried about leaking through your underwear or you find it uncomfortable, it can be worth having a chat with your doctor about it.

There are certain medications that can help reduce the amount of discharge that your vagina produces to lubricate itself.

However, it’s also important to understand why you have watery discharge.

After all, vaginal discharge serves many important purposes ‒ mainly to keep you feeling comfortable and free from irritations in your vaginal canal.

So if you find that your vagina or vulva is particularly itchy or uncomfortable, it may mean that you have an infection or that your detergent is causing some irritation, or that you’re wearing clothes that are too tight around your vulva.

Switching to a gentler detergent and well-fitting underwear can help get rid of your excessive watery discharge.

And if you’re wondering how to get rid of watery discharge in your underwear, it usually comes out in a wash.

In a pinch? Try dabbing at it with some tissues to take away the moisture.

Ultimately, if you’re experiencing excessive watery discharge, you’re not alone.

Usually, it’s simply your vagina making sure it’s at the right pH balance to keep you comfortable.

And if you’re worried about it, check in with your doctor.

It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.


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