So, you’ve done the deed, and now it’s time for the two-week wait… ⏲️
But what actually happens in your body during that time?
Does implantation happen immediately, or does it take a while?
And will you experience any symptoms when implantation occurs?
We’re here to go through your full implantation timeline, to work out just what’s going on in your body at this time. 👇
In this article: 📝
- What is implantation?
- How long after ovulation does implantation occur?
- What is the most common day for implantation?
- Does implantation timing matter?
- How can you tell if implantation has occurred?
- What happens if implantation doesn’t happen?
What is implantation?
First off, what does implantation actually mean?
So, during your latest steamy session with your partner, your egg has become fertilized after meeting with sperm, and a zygote (aka. fancy name for a fertilized egg) has been formed. [1]
As your fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tube to your uterus, its cells are constantly dividing, and within days, your little zygote graduates to a blastocyte.
Now this little blastocyte needs to find a home for the next nine months - aka, your uterine lining. 🏡 [2]
Once attached to the uterus (womb), it starts releasing hormones that prepare your body for growing a baby.
These hormones shut down your period for the next 9 months, start the building blocks of the placenta, but can also make you feel all the feelz (more on this later 👇). [3]
And that, ladies, is implantation.
How long after ovulation does implantation occur?
Typically, implantation happens around 5 - 6 days after ovulation. [4]
But, some studies say successful implantations will still occur 8 to 10 days after ovulation. [5]
So, it’s not totally clear…
But, what we do know is that it all depends on your cycle… 🤷♀️ (more on this later 👇)
So, how many weeks are you pregnant when implantation occurs?
Generally, you’re about 3 - 4 weeks pregnant — depending on when your conception took place.
For someone with a 28-day cycle, ovulation (and conception) would likely happen around day 14.
Then, implantation might take place around 5 - 6 days after that, so you’re likely to be around 3 weeks pregnant.
But for someone with a longer cycle (and who ovulates later in their cycle) may not experience implantation until week 4, or even week 5.
🔍 Read More: How Soon After Implantation Can I Test? 🤔

What is the most common day for implantation?
Genuinely, it really varies between women.
Those with regular cycles may be able to pinpoint the most common day for implantation, but with an irregular cycle, that might be slightly more tricky.
So, here’s a breakdown of different cycle lengths to try and help you work it out:
Cycle length | Ovulation/Fertilization | Implantation |
28-day cycle | Day 14 | Day 20 - 24 |
30-day cycle | Day 16 | Day 22 - 26 |
32-day cycle | Day 18 | Day 24- 28 |
Does implantation timing matter?
So, potentially…
Most implantations tend to happen around 5 - 6 days after ovulation.
During this time, your fertilized egg will be looking to attach itself to the lining of your womb, setting up camp for the next 9 months.
But, if implantation doesn’t happen in this time, it could mean something…
What does late implantation mean?
It’s not totally clear…
But, several studies of late implantation found that it might cause a higher risk of miscarriage.
In these studies, “late” implantation means occurring more than 8 - 10 days after ovulation.
And one study found that the likelihood of miscarriage continually increased as each day passed where the embryo hadn’t attached itself to the uterus lining. [6]
But, it’s thought that late implantation alone isn’t likely to be the sole cause of miscarriage.
Essentially, more research needs to be conducted around it to make a full decision.
🔍 Get Clued Up: Can Stress Prevent Implantation? 😵💫
How can you tell if implantation has occurred?
Sometimes, you might not be able to tell at all, and pregnancy may come as a complete surprise!
But, other times, there are certain signs and symptoms of implantation that’ll give away the magic that’s happening inside your body:
- 🩸 Implantation bleeding: This is a key one. Because, helpfully, it might look like your period. 🙃 And, it can happen around the same time as your period, too. But implantation bleeding is generally more like spotting, or lighter bleeding.
- 🥭 Tender breasts: Sore boobs… another PMS symptom? But, actually, this could be a symptom of implantation, too, as estrogen levels start to rise.
- 😮💨 Light cramping: Again, similar to the pains you’d feel at the start of your period, you might also experience some light cramping with implantation, too. It can feel like tingling, pulling, or pricking.
- 🤢 Nausea: Implantation may lead you to feeling nauseous, too. Those pesky hormones flying around can cause some disruption, which your body then reacts to.
- 🤯 Headaches: Did you know, implantation can also cause headaches, too? 🙃 (Seriously, what can’t it cause at this point, right?).
- 🌡️ Basal body temperature: Similar to when you’re ovulating, your body temperature may also rise when implantation happens. If this stays consistently high, this could be an early sign of pregnancy while, if it dips, this is known as an [7]
🔍 Get The Lowdown: All Implantation Symptoms Discussed Here 👈

What happens if implantation doesn’t happen?
If implantation doesn’t happen, this means your pregnancy wouldn’t have been successful.
The fertilized egg won’t have attached itself to your uterus, or in some cases, it didn’t fully implant within the uterine lining.
This is defined as a ‘chemical pregnancy’.
Sadly, chemical pregnancies can still cause your body to react like they are pregnant…
You may miss your period, or it may be delayed. [8]
And, you may also test positive on a pregnancy test.
But, because this chemical pregnancy occurs so early, many people may not even realize they were pregnant at all.
This usually happens before five weeks of pregnancy.
Why would implantation not occur?
Implantation may not happen for a number of reasons.
It could be random — just bad luck, and no medical reason behind it.
But, some studies have linked cigarette smoking to implantation failure, suggesting that non-smokers had a much higher rate of clinical pregnancy than smokers. 🚬[9]
Obesity has also been a factor in question of whether it could cause the rate of implantation to be lower. [10]
If this happens repeatedly, this is called repeated implantation failure (RIF), and is likely to be caused by an underlying health condition, such as endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis. [11]
If this is the case though, your doctor will walk you through everything, find out your cause, and advise you on the best next steps. 🩺
So, basically, when implantation happens all depends on your cycle really. 🩸
If you have regular periods, it might be easier to figure out what’s what and when.
But, for those with irregular cycles, it may be a little trickier to get clued up on implantation.
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