May 2025 Babies 🇬🇧

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G in Other

Folic acid

Heyyy, just a question. There’s been days where I’ve forgotten to take the folic acid supplement is this bad?

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P in Sleep & tiredness

Fitness during pregnancy 🏃‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏊‍♀️

Hi everyone!! Is anyone else trying to keep their fitness up and how are you finding it? I was running half marathons and working out a lot before pregnancy and I’m trying to keep it up as much as I can but doing much shorter runs and more Pilates/yoga or swimming🏃‍♀️I’m only 6 weeks but already finding it a lot tou...

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Incognito in First trimester worries

5th time lucky🤞🏻🌈

Nothing is making me happier than seeing that line get thicker and darker after so many losses😫 Keep going, keep growing and stay sticky my little pea✨🌈

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K in Pregnancy symptoms

Hot chocolate

I’m 5+4 today and honestly I don’t know if it’s a craving or what but all I want all the time is hot chocolate! I’m literally having one a day at the minute 😂 I read about caffeine, I’m not drinking any tea/coffee. Is this safe? I’m panicking about every little thing but I had a miscarriage quite a few years ago so...

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Incognito in Other

Implantation & symptoms

I haven't had any implantation bleeding... I'm between 4-5 weeks😫 I feel nauseous. I'm exhausted. My boobs are a bit sore and sensitive. I'm having all over light cramps and back ache🥴 My HCG levels have been checked and it's been confirmed everything is going in the right direction. I just can't shake this anxiety...

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