Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Movements at 20 weeks
So i started feeling little flutters not more than a week ago and I haven’t felt anything today My scan is on 20 weeks scan is on Tuesday Should I have to be concerned? This is my first pregnancy
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Incognito in Pregnancy scans
So i started feeling little flutters not more than a week ago and I haven’t felt anything today My scan is on 20 weeks scan is on Tuesday Should I have to be concerned? This is my first pregnancy
Incognito in Baby names
Hi, I'm expecting twin girls in May 2025 and I am stuck with names! I work in education so I found naming my first really hard because of associations 🤣 please help a girl out with name suggestions! Thank you :)
Incognito in Other
I have been having pins and needles for more than a week now. Google shows its a common symptoms should i be concerned? I have my 20th week scan on Tuesday
C in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
I am 20 weeks and haven’t bought anything, I am too scared to bring anything into the house and worried to jinx anything… what’s everyone else’s feeling on this? When did people start buying?
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Please can I have recommendations for a hands free, wearable breast pump?😊