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Incognito in Family

Looking for happy ever after stories šŸ’”

Has anyone ever actually made it work with their husband who has cheated on them? We have a long history and been through so much together but the problems in our marriage mainly come from him cheating (never in person I actually believe he never would do anything in person) and the reason why he does it (blames me...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Cheating 1m pp

I was 1 month pp when I found his secret Snapchat dating back half a year. Iā€™m nearly 5 months pp and Iā€™m still with him for a million reasons under the sun (baby & house mainly) but Iā€™m so so miserable. I donā€™t feel loved. I donā€™t feel wanted. He lies to my face says it wasnā€™t him all that shit like Iā€™m some sort o...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Sex during pregnancy


my husband who i've been with for 5 years has been cheating on me.. and being super secretive we're pregnant with our first and possibly only child im so devastated idk what to do anymore i've tried confronting him about it he just acts all innocent and says he's not but he's cheated on me so much in the past. today...

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Incognito in Other

I am confused

My marriage Is just 3years, and I have Twins, earlier in the marriage, I found out that he cheated during the courtship, with several ladies, and also was having emotional affairs after we got married, he apologized and I forgave him because we never had sex during the courtship. Later on I discovered that he still ...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Legal


My husband was recently found to be talking to another girl, and said that he stopped talking to her around November 24th. I have a bad feeling again so looked through his phone while he was sleeping this morning, I found nothing in his texts which is where he would normally text her from but when I swiped over to t...

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