May 2025 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

2 under 2 😅 i’m scared

hey guys! i’m back on this app as i’m currently 5w1d (estimate) i was only 10 months PP when i ended up somehow getting pregnant (pill + pullout every time) but me and my boyfriend have decided we are totally open and welcoming all of it.. i’ve had 2 previous losses around 6 weeks before my son was born. is there a...

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Incognito in Other


Is anyone else constipated?! It’s bad to the point where I have the WORST abdominal pain. What can we do to help?!

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

High HCG levels

So I went to the ER and they did a vaginal ultrasound said the baby wasn't far enough along to have a heartbeat they then did blood work to check my HCG levels when it came back it was 10,136 is this normal for not being far enough along for a heartbeat to be detected with an HCG level as high as that. I also put th...

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M in Sleep & tiredness


Is anyone else feeling super anxious and ragey?! Idk if it’s the coffee I’m drinking on an empty stomach in the morning or what but everything and everyone is testing my patience 🙃🙃🙃 7 weeks today. I don’t recall feeling this way when pregnant with my son. Could this be a symptom of a girl pregnancy? 😅

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Incognito in Other

Wellbutrin and pregnant

Hello!!! 5 weeks pregnant and I’ve been taking Wellbutrin for a few years now for depression. Over the past year however due to circumstances I was just ordering them online and I haven’t seen a doctor in a while. Now that i have insurance again, I can’t get into the obgyn until 8 weeks and they won’t answer whether...

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