G in Common illness
Anyone else have norovirus?
My God I feel absolutely shocking. Was sick 5 times during the night and my tummy is so off too 😭
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G in Common illness
My God I feel absolutely shocking. Was sick 5 times during the night and my tummy is so off too 😭
Incognito in Pregnancy care
Is anyone going to have a doula? How do you find a good one?
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
Hey all, I posted yesterday that I had a slight pink/brown tinge discharge when I went to the loo and in the night I went to the loo and wiped and there was some blood - I’ve since put a pad in and it’s got a few spots in since 3:30am but nothing massive and when I wipe I’m getting brown-y blood. I’m really heartbro...
Incognito in Baby names
Has anyone started playing the name game yet with their partner? Anyone got any they love but their partners don’t?
M in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
My first baby has just turned 1, pregnancy tired with a baby is no joke! 😅