IVF Pregnancy : Due Fall / Winter 2024

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IVF Pregnancy : Due Fall / Winter 2024

Due in September 2024 - March 2025 with an IVF baby? This group is for you!

37 members

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M in Other

Twins ??

Hello! My husband and I are finally pregnant!! We did our first round of IVF and had an early positive test! When it came time for blood work my nurse told me my hcg should be around 50. That time is was 164! They wanted to redraw in 2 days. That was Saturday and she said they wanted to see a 60% increase and for m...

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E in Pregnancy test results

Could I ask some advice

Could I ask some advice please:: So I had a HCG blood test done 20dp5dt (fresh) and the results were 10767 HCG I am now 25dp5dt and I'm still testing every morning and testing strong positive (mainly dye stealers) My clinic don't provide HCG blood tests as standard, should I buy another one? Or is the HCG lev...

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M in Other

Welcome !!!

Welcome to the group!! Introduce yourself! Did you go through IVF or IUI? What’s your due date?

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