February 2025 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Heavy bleeding (large periplacental hematoma) -- any successful pregnancy after?

I'm 15 weeks. While standing in my classroom yesterday morning I felt a warm gush, then another, then immediately went to a bathroom where more blood and a tissue mass about 3-4 cm In length fell out. I quickly got to my boss to get a sub in my room and left for the ER. After 6+ hours and an IV for fluids I was rele...

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G in Other

Extreme constipation tmi

I got miralax but I only took a little less than 1 cap full today, has anyone taken more than 1 dose a day pregnant? It doesn’t really say so on, I’m extremely constipated for days.

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L in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Hello mommy friends

How are ya'll doing? How is your pregnancy going?

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Toddler mom guilt?

I feel so guilty for what I’ve been feeding my toddler during this pregnancy due to having an aversion to cooking. I’m not sick anymore but I just can’t stand to cook right now. She’s been living off of snacks (I try to do healthy snacks like fiber bars, fruit, high protein waffles, “healthy” cheese crackers..) but ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

I in Pregnancy scans


Has anyone ever been referred to maternal and fetal medicine for anything? I got a very slightly abnormal test result for the neural tube detects test, I have a sono with MFM tomorrow and am so anxious 😞

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