Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Has anyone got their US done yet? Can we see them with how far along you are?
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Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Has anyone got their US done yet? Can we see them with how far along you are?
S in Early pregnancy symptoms
I’m 5 weeks, 4 days today, and last night I woke up at midnight with severe cramping :( I had to lay on the tile floor for like 10 mins to cool myself down. I scared me a lot, but there was no bleeding. I called my Dr, and they told me to go to the ER if it happens again. Anyone else experience anything like this? S...
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
After spotting all day yesterday, then hours of cramping last night I started to bleed and miscarry at 7 weeks. So much can change in a couple days. Good luck to you all here and cherish these September babies.
K in Pregnancy test results
Hi I found out I was pregnant at 3w 2d. I have been taking strips almost every day for peace of mind. Today, I got two tests that look like this- much lighter compared to all the other tests I’ve taken. Every other time I’ve tested the line is just as dark as the control. Anyone know what this could mean?
J in Other
Good morning ladies! Am curious if anyone else had/ has the same symptoms: I am 7 weeks and I have EXTREME fatigue. I mean I sleep or lay down probably 4-5 hours a day if I can and on top of a good nights rest and it’s still not enough rest. If I could allow my body to sleep 24 hours it would! And my sense of smell...