February 2025 Babies 🇦🇺

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February 2025 Babies 🇦🇺

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Incognito in Work & money

Paid Gov Mat Leave

Hey gals We’re in the very fortunate position that my husbands wage is over the family income test for paid gov mat leave. If my wage is under the $180k, do you know if I’m still entitled to paid leave from the gov or does his wage make me ineligible?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Hey all!

Hey mama’s! Hope you’re all doing well ❤️ how are you all finding pregnancy in the 2nd trimester? I’m currently on my 3rd pregnancy and due the 25th! When is everyone’s due date and which pregnancy is it for you?

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S in Other

Exhausted in second tri - super low iron

So I’ve been completely crashing each day at 3ish, much like I did through first trimester. I had a couple of weeks of feeling like I had more energy and then it went completely backwards. Turns out I have super low iron levels and the doc has recommended an iron infusion. I’m so relieved it’s something that can be ...

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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester


Hey gals! Anyone had their NIPT done at Sydney Ultrasound for Women? How long did the results take to come back? Thanks!

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S in Morning sickness

Morning Sickness

Has any of you Feb 2025 mummy’s morning sickness getting any better 😵‍💫 week 11 and nausea and exhaustion still hit me like a rock. First baby and extremely worried it won’t get better. If it does, did you find it went away completely?

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