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N in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

NIPT Results

My NIPT results came back and everything came back negative... I asked for them not to put the gender in the results and they didn't. Thank God because I want to wait till I have my baby

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m in Other

Has anyone had an NIPT result that was wrong for either chromosomal or baby sex as you got further along in your pregnancy?

What at was your fetal fraction? How many weeks were you? How did the test differ? My NIPT came back negative on everything, my fetal fraction was 6% and having a girl, but the test says 99.6% accuracy. Just curious if anyone has had surprising results in comparison to what they were originally told.

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A in Other

Little Concerned , am I still pregnant?

I'm about 13 weeks now and for the last 2 weeks ( been under loads of stress) or so I have not felt any fluttering anymore and also no symptoms, like none at all ( I had some morning sickness before this) I had some bloating but now my belly is flatter than ever before. This is my second pregnancy. I just think it's...

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Incognito in Other

What’s everyone having??


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N in Pregnancy scans

12 weeks today

I can't wait to see my baby on the 27th. I haven't had an ultrasound since I was about 7 weeks 🥹. Even though this is my second pregnancy, I'm very impatient this time as well.

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