Incognito in Travel with kids
Partner has booked a spontaneous holiday to America with his friend. I am left at home with my 1 year old and 2 week old - as well as recovering from c section!
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For ladies living in the UK due in Feb 2025 👶🏼👶🏽👶🏿
Incognito in Travel with kids
Feel free to comment what u would do
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
3rd baby and due in 3 weeks. I had a really energetic day yesterday where I felt brilliant (after the initial morning slump!) And then today I’ve woken up to vomiting and diarrhoea with an internal burning sensation covering my entire bump! I’m due to find out when my section is in a few days but wondered if thi...
Incognito in C-section
Had another appointment today because baby measuring big. Is anyone in the same boat. I had the same with my last he ended up being 8lb11 with emergency c section at 38weeks. Now there telling me this baby girl is plotting at 11lbs if left to my due date !! So scaring me a little. Always wanted a natural birth for m...
Incognito in Baby movement
Sorry if this is tmi but does anyone else’s baby feel like super low. Like to the point where you feel like you could touch them if you wanted to. Also keep getting little pinch feeling down there.
C in First trimester worries
Just reaching out to see if anyone is going through a similar thing. Had my results back yesterday and aim 35 + 1. The flag rate is 7.8 from a glucose test and mine came back at 7.9. Hoping to be able to manage it with diet but they have mentioned induction from 37 weeks. Anyone else going through the same?