April 2025 Babies 🇬🇧

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C in Other

Who has finally made it to 12 weeks?🥳

Has it gone fast or slow for you? What are your symptoms like now? I have finally reached 12 weeks - I’ve been waiting for this week for so long! My symptoms were quite mild anyway but have definitely notice that I feel more human and like my old self again! 🙏🏻😌

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H in Pregnancy scans

9 week scan!

Paid for a private scan and I’m so glad I did because seeing this little heart beat made me feel so much better 🥹

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Cysts on butt? (SORRY TMI 🫣)

Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone else suffers from painful cysts/pimples on butt? I find they’re mostly in between cheeks or in skin folds (🫣) and they can be extremely large, under the skin, purple cysts that eventually burst. I keep clean down there especially when sweaty and use a salicylic acid cleanser bu...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

T in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Pregnancy rage

Is anyone else experiencing rage? I try not to be angry but it’s like the smallest of things just piss me off so much!!! 😂😂 I can’t win I would really like to know I’m not alone

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C in Pregnancy test results


Hiya Girls… I did a pregnancy test on the 2nd September, my result (which I’ll post in the comments) was a very dark line. However, I’ve been away for week and due to previous history I thought I’d do a test for reassurance as you girls know how it is sometimes🙂 I’ve done a test not long ago, this is my result. My ...

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