April 2025 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Other

Prenatal Classes

Does anyone know of any prenatal classes in westside Los Angeles? First time mom here and trying to find my community and make some friends as I learn about this journey 😊 Also looking for a prenatal yoga class if you know of any!

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans


I have a prenatal appointment coming up this week and I'll be 11 weeks, does anyone know at how many weeks they start checking the heartbeat with a doppler? dying to hear it

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

j in Other


actively having a miscarriage , currently in the er 💔 this is my second baby , i cannot describe how im feeling right now , so many questions , so confused , so HURT ! im never gonna get over this 💔💔💔

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N in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester


Doctor said nipt would take 2 weeks to come back 😭 i did the sneek peak gender test at 8 weeks and it came back as girl and ive been waiting for this nipt forever has one anyone got their results yet? And how long did it take? Ultrasound pic at 10 weeks and 4 days just for funzies.

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K in Pregnancy scans

Our second little dude 💙

Finally were able to get in for our first OB visit yesterday and got to check on our little guy!! It’s so insane how quickly they grow. 11+2 during the scan, due 4/2! Will probably schedule a repeat c-section for the end of March! Still haven’t told anyone yet 🫣

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