Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms
Is it normal to be pregnant but have no symptoms until 2nd month of pregnancy? No vomiting and no morning sickness? I am really worried but my first appointment is after a week.
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Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms
Is it normal to be pregnant but have no symptoms until 2nd month of pregnancy? No vomiting and no morning sickness? I am really worried but my first appointment is after a week.
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Had an early scan due to previous molar pregnancy. Date of LMP 07/10 so about 6w 4d (though definitely ovulated later than cd14). Saw sac, fetal pole, and CRL is 4.7mm - saw the heart flickering and heard it beating. Was feeling so relieved that it wasn’t a molar pregnancy and then spoke to the nurse who asked if my...
Incognito in Sleep & tiredness
I feel depleted for the past two days now. It’s such a struggle trying to look after myself let alone my 20 month old 😩 I’m only 7 weeks and can’t imagine this going on for another 7 weeks! Any tips?
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Am I the only one that is having negative thoughts about my pregnancy. Like I went for my scan at 6 weeks and couldn’t see a lot now have the next one booked for 9 weeks and panicking as in what if the scan is the same as the 6 weeks one. What if there’s no heartbeat. I don’t want to be thinking like this but my bra...
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
Hi everyone. Pregnant with my second around 5 weeks and I was fortunate enough my first pregnancy was very straightforward. I had some bleeding that started Tuesday night, Wednesday was cramping but the bleeding was no heavier than a period and now it has pretty much stopped. I had accepted the worst but would’...