Incognito in Household
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Need a new hoover any recommendations something not too pricey i cant carry heavy stuff
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Incognito in Household
Need a new hoover any recommendations something not too pricey i cant carry heavy stuff
Incognito in First trimester worries
So according to clear blue i an 1-2 weeks however my last period the first day was 30th according to nhs due date calculater i an more than 4 weeks ?
Incognito in First trimester worries
My last period was 28th January, i have a 22 day cycle , i put it in my pregnancy+ app and said 6 weeks 4 days . My flo app which i used for tracking periods is saying 5 weeks 6 days . Clearblue weeks still saying 2-3 . But would of thought it would say 3+ by now. I have a scan booked for Tuesday, but panicking that...
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
My wife and I found out we’re pregnant earlier in the week, we’ve been trying for 4 years so this is massive for us! We’re booked in for a scan at 6+5 what do scans look like at that time?
C in Other
I’m roughly 13 DPO and wondering how dark my lines should be? They’re still quite faint although clear blue digital says 1-2 weeks. One anxious mama to be here 🥹