August 2025 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Other

Not tired?

Is it normal to not be tired at 5 weeks? I was exhausted around implantation time but now that it’s been a couple weeks I have normal energy. Does the fatigue hit around the time sickness comes?

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Incognito in Miscarriage


5 weeks 4 days. backstory i got into somewhat of a physical argument with my partner. this was around 9pm now im seeing brown/pinkish discharge and having lower stomach pain?

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Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy tests

I am the only crazy person who is continuing to take pregnancy test every other day because you have 0 symptoms.

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Incognito in Other

Line of no line

I think I might have line eyes but I see a faint line . I haven’t missed my period yet. What do yall think . Retesting tomorrow

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Morning sickness

Just found out

I just found out I’m pregnant with baby #2 and I’m due 8/10/24. So far it’s kicking my butt and I’m so nauseous all day and can’t keep anything down. So what’s everyone taking to help with nausea. My son I ended up getting medicine from the doctor but it made me sleep so I can’t do that this time around because my o...

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