K in Local recommendations
Hi! Is anyone from the Southampton area? I’m actually in Eastleigh but wondered if anyone is nearby?
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For all mamas expecting in March 2025 🌸
K in Local recommendations
Hi! Is anyone from the Southampton area? I’m actually in Eastleigh but wondered if anyone is nearby?
Incognito in Other
I am already on tablets for low iron (ferritin) but the last few days I’m feeling so unwell again. Has anyone else experienced this and found they had to go on a higher dose of tablets? Thanks
C in Premature birth
Just been to my 34/35 week midwife appointment to be told baby is breech. They are going to try and move him/her at 36 weeks. In the back of my head I knew something wasn’t right as all the kicks are so low down and nothing high up. My little girl was breech last minute which ended up in an emergency c-sections so l...
L in Other
Hi! I thought I was done with acid reflux and it just came back 😫. Any medication or natural remedies you could recommend ? I spent my pregnancy in France and just moved to the UK, I don’t know what to take.. thanks 🙏🏻
J in Sleep & tiredness
Any one else just can’t sleep? I wake up after about 3 hours sleep EVERY night and just can not go back to sleep! The problem is the next day I am then so tired that it starts to make me feel unwell so I have to go to sleep (so just staying up and being very tired the next night doesn’t seem to be an option), I then...