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C in Baby sleep

Sleeping comfortably

I really struggled over the last week or two with getting comfortable at night. I’m almost 10 weeks and my back aches when I’m laying down. Any tips? I will be booking a pregnancy massage as soon as I hit 12 weeks.

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M in Pregnancy scans

7 week pregnant and spotting

I’m 7 weeks 2 days pregnant and have been spotting for the last 3 days which has really worried me so I have an appointment on Tuesday with the EPU at the hospital I’m so nervous and worried about what they are going to say hoping everything is okay 😔❤️🤞🏼

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A in Motherhood


I need friends😭someone due in April that I can snap and talk to and just vibe with while we both pregnant and grow our babies at the same time😅 I’m 19 and from Dunedin New Zealand! I’m 7 weeks 5 days and due on the 26th of April🤍

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N in Body changes


Currently 10 weeks (hopefully) and im sitting in the waiting room where there are two very pregnant women and i feel like an imposter lol i cant wait till my bump is more visible.

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M in Pregnancy scans

6weeks 2days

I went for an early scan today after my other one was too early and found out I’m 6 weeks 2 days with very strong heartbeat and said everything is normal and I’m so relieved ❤️❤️

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