2017 Kids 🇺🇸

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2017 Kids 🇺🇸

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A in Disabilities

ADHD prescription.

Anyone’s kiddo beeen prescribed focaline for ADHD?

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Incognito in Parties & celebrations


I can't tell if maybe kids' birthdays just happen to not be yet, or my daughter just isn't getting invited 😟 I want to ask her teacher if she's noticed invites going out to other kids or not. More just to know if she's having trouble making friends at school. My daughter's birthday will be soon, we are wondering if ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Activities for kids

Can your 7 year old tie their own shoes?

Super curious if yours can My daughter gets the concept but struggles actually doing it and is also in her end of the world if she can't get it phase 🥲

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K in Activities for kids

Best learning apps/programs

Hello ladies, I have a 2nd grader who could use a little more practice at home. Reading and math are the main focus. Tell me you and your kids' favorite learning apps to use. TIA 😊

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Incognito in Other


I am looking for advice, and similar circumstances from people who have dealt with oppositional defiant disorder with their children? Been dealing with this as far as I know of since 3/4 we are now 7y. What worked for you? How do you handle school? Peers of their age? Siblings? Did Therapy work? If not what other ...

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