2017 Kids 🇬🇧

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2017 Kids 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Local recommendations

Scotland area?

Wondering if there are any mums near me in Dundee who are willing to chat and possibly meet up for a play date.

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Incognito in Parties & celebrations


How crazy is it that our 2017 baby’s are now turning 8! Where has time gone!

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Incognito in Making friends

Am I the problem 😕

I've been on this app for a while but have yet to make a proper friendship with people who are local to myself. Or people send a message then I get ghosted. I've always struggled with making friends now my youngest is nearly 8 and has no friends close to us maybe it's because of his needs or his mums just a loner 😪😪😪

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Parties & celebrations

How time flys

How is my youngest 8 already 🥳

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food


So me and the oh have been debating this for a few years, I don't let my 7year old have lolly's like the round hard boiled ones I am so scared they come of super easy and once saw my friends little boy choke on one, my agument with him is there are sooo many sweets out there and even lolly's like drumsticks why cant...

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  • Incognito
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