A in Baby sleep
Anyone struggling to get comfy at night !! I have 2 different types of pregnancy pillows however none are sling if for me atm ! Rib pains is soo bad as well.
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To help each other, chat with each other, no judgement, with other people who are at the same stage,
A in Baby sleep
Anyone struggling to get comfy at night !! I have 2 different types of pregnancy pillows however none are sling if for me atm ! Rib pains is soo bad as well.
C in Other
Is anyone else with anterior placenta already feeling strong kicks/movements? I’m 21+2 with my second baby and I’ve been feeling her for a few weeks now but recently her kicks having been getting stronger and I’m seeing & feeling them from the outside🥰 I definitely don’t remember feeling them this strong/early with ...
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
I have been getting braxton hicks from about 17 weeks. randomly throughout the day. tightenings which arnt painful just uncomfy. never had these so early on in previous pregnancies. wondoring if this is normal? anybody else getting them early on too?
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Glucose test I’ve got my glucose tomorrow can you drink water before it or can you literally not have any thing I know your not allowed to eat before it I can’t remember I had it with my first but then I’ve been told nothing with this pregnancy and I can’t remember from almost 4 years go 🤣
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Anyone know if I can still have the glucose test if I have a cold?