Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
Growing pains 😭😭
I hate belly growing pains soo bad 😭 my sides hurt so bad from my ribs stretching and baby sitting weird, I just want to cry 😭
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Moms who are expecting in May 2025
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
I hate belly growing pains soo bad 😭 my sides hurt so bad from my ribs stretching and baby sitting weird, I just want to cry 😭
Incognito in Body temperatures
Do we need to pack a dressing grown in may?
Incognito in Other
25+1 weeks and I already feel like my back is breaking 😭 I have osteoporosis and spondylitis so get bad back pain a lot also fractured my spine because of it when I was 15. Baby’s a lot bigger than my first was already and I’m getting scared for my health 🥲😂 Seriously tho between my tailbone and my spine at the top...
Incognito in Sleep & tiredness
Anyone else having weird dreams basically every night??? I wake up multiple times a night from them and wake up in the morning with a headache because they're so weird 😅 it's like my mind is on overdrive all night because I'm constantly dreaming 😩
Incognito in Baby movement
Are your babies kicks strong yet or still feel mostly light?