Lifelong Organizers

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Lifelong Organizers

Are you obsessed with how your environment makes you feel? Is it a challenge to keep things straight? Do you have a project pile that you hate? Is it possible that you constantly update or change your decor? If any of this applies you may be a lifelong organizer…let’s explore!

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J in Menopause

Step 4: Purpose

We need the room! After an afternoon family walk (turned hike) we discussed increasing our movement (physical activity). Using the smart tv as a resource we found an already installed fitness app and proceeded to stretch. As the project downstairs moved upstairs to accommodate an indoor/outdoor neighborhood event…we...

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J in Menopause

Step 3: Timing matters…

As Halloween approaches and the announcement for a neighborhood block party has been delivered…my memorabilia project had to be addressed and moved. You see if weather permits this will be an outdoor event and if the bathroom is needed my project would have been in the way. So, the timing of this event has again mot...

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J in Menopause

Step 2: What’s stopping you?

My memorabilia organizing project is taking up too much space in a room that will be needed for upcoming family visits and holidays. I did NOT want to get started on this now…instead I wanted to go to the spa. However, as I may be traveling soon this means working on my project over the weekend. I just don’t know ho...

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J in Menopause

Step 1: Not done? It’s not just you…

So you have somehow created an organizing project? First and foremost know that you are not alone. Step 1 is it’s not just you! Let me share with you…now mind you, I am not sure when will get done. I just returned from Tampa, Fl where the garage was cleared within hours just to move another car in…keeping it real!...

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J in Menopause

To Organize or Design?

As I review my emails and pictures too I see many opportunities to implement some organizing strategies. These electronic spaces get crowded too! But organizing by design can be fun too. It’s all about developing a system that works for you! Now tell us, what brings out the Marie Kondo in you? Along with your projec...

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