Incognito in Baby names
Baby girl name
I want an honest opinion on the name Finley Adam for my baby girl 🩷
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For moms expecting in July 2025
Incognito in Baby names
I want an honest opinion on the name Finley Adam for my baby girl 🩷
K in Pregnancy scans
My July baby may turn into an August baby. I had my 8 week scan yesterday, and found out baby is measuring exactly a week behind, and they also found a cyst on my right ovary which was scary to find out but they reassured me that it shouldn’t cause any issues! I go back after Christmas for another dating scan, hopef...
Incognito in Pregnancy termination
I’m pregnant again and i have a 6 month old baby. I’m nervous for how hard this is going to be
K in Gifting
Hi mamas! Please spam me with your Christmas announcement ideas/ gifts for grandparents. I got one of those funny labels for a wine bottle for my dad, but my mom is harder to shop for. Second grandbaby for them. My mom is into things like golf, hockey and flamingos 😂
A in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
Currently 7 weeks today with my 3rd.! I know most people wait until 2 trimester but I’m worried my belly is starting to grow a little to quickly this time around and the family will start to notice at the family Christmas party. When is everybody announcing?