Incognito in Other
Sign of a miscarriage?
Image attached - trigger warning **** Is this a sign of a miscarriage? I don't think I'm cramping but saw this when I wiped . 10+4.
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Incognito in Other
Image attached - trigger warning **** Is this a sign of a miscarriage? I don't think I'm cramping but saw this when I wiped . 10+4.
Incognito in Other
Is this anyone else’s 2nd baby? I’m 11+5 and look as big as I did at 25 weeks with my first! Is this normal 🤣
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
I’m having some fairly light spotting and bleeding but I feel very heavy/like I do on my period in my lower abdomen/vagina. This is what the last wipe looked like. Should I be worried? I can’t go to out of hours like 111 suggests because my son is asleep and there’s no one to look after him
S in Other
Ok so I have had 3 other successful pregnancies but I don't remember my boob's hurting this much! They feel massive already sore and almost like they are filling up ready already. Anybody else got this so early on?
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Hey guys, I went for a private scan and I was 10 weeks and 3 days. Does anyone know how the nub theory works? Thanks ☺️