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Single mom’s club

For single/Co-parenting moms to raise our kids together ❤️

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Incognito in Other

Help! Trying to get out of a narcissistic relationship

So long story short I’m living away from family in my exes house as I’m struggling to find somewhere else at the moment and make a decision where to actually go. In the meantime I’m breaking down due to how I’m being treated. This man is trying to brain wash all of his family and MY family and make out I am infact t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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K in Baby sleep

Sleep issues

Sorry for the lengthy post but I am starting to feel at a loss. My daughter is 15 months and has always been kind of a rocky sleeper for me at least. Her dad and I have been split since she was 8 months old. She has gone between our houses every week since we split. When at my house it always seems to be a struggle ...

  • K
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  • K

Incognito in Other

New Single Mom

So I became a single mom literally today…happy valentines ☺️🤣 but I’m actually really struggling with how the hell I’m supposed to move forward. My little boy is 2 next month and he’s a daddy’s boy through and through. I just know he’s going to be asking for his dad and what do I even say to him? It really feels lik...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Other

I need some input, please!

I’ve been a single mom since day one. My son’s father didn’t want to be involved in our lives. I never considered filing for child support until my son turned two years old. When I did file, BD reached out to convince me to withdraw it, which I refused to do. When my son was three and a half years old, he began ex...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

d in Other

Grandparents right

My child father mother is trying to get grandparent rights in the state of Virginia I guess she trying to get some kind of visitation rights to see her grandchildren but I’m not letting her because she made a false report on me with cps and keeps harrassing me trying to take my kids from me what do I do about this s...

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