Incognito in Christmas & New year
Who is cleaning on New Year’s Day
Who is cleaning there house today and how many people are doing laundry . It said ur not supposed to do on New Year’s Day
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Just a place to post polls and be silly.
Incognito in Christmas & New year
Who is cleaning there house today and how many people are doing laundry . It said ur not supposed to do on New Year’s Day
Incognito in Other
What age did your baby start to stand on their own, please comment if you can
Incognito in Miscarriage
I’m busy writing our Christmas family newsletter, and thinking about what happened during the past year. Back in July I suffered a miscarriage. To me it feels important enough to mention. But I’m not sure whether that’s appropriate. Also I’m not pregnant so I can’t follow it up with good news. I personally think to...
Incognito in Trying for a baby
I used to have Ovia and loved it, but it’s no longer available in the UK!
Incognito in Other
I want to know if babies who are breastfed tend to wake up more during the night cus they wanted to be comforted by the boob.... my breastfed 10 month old wake sup anywhere from 2 to 7 times a night and feeds...... comment too if you have stories or opinion on this