Incognito in Fertility treatments
How did you get pregnant
I'm 20 yr old and me and my husband have been trying for 2 yrs. My obgyn said I'm ok but don't ovulate every month. What did you do to help get pregnant?
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Incognito in Fertility treatments
I'm 20 yr old and me and my husband have been trying for 2 yrs. My obgyn said I'm ok but don't ovulate every month. What did you do to help get pregnant?
M in Trying for a baby
Hi, my partner and I are trying for a baby for the first time. We are in our second month trying. I’m 20 and my periods are very regular. Is anyone else around my age pregnant or ttc? Is my chances better as I’m younger? x
Incognito in Other
so I am 19 dpo/ 5 days late from my period. Today im having period like cramps and a little light brown discharge when I wipe. I haven’t tested out of fear it’ll be negative. Is it possible to experience these symptoms and still be pregnant?
S in Early pregnancy symptoms
Why am I heavy bleeding on cycle day 16?
H in Birth control
I got off BC in November, my cycles have been EXTREMELY irregular since, does anyone know how long it could take till they are “regular” i use the “Flo” app im not sure how i feel about it for being reliable. From Nov-jan i didn’t have a period….