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Incognito in Other

Child support in Virginia

Question:if I was receiving food stamps and Medicaid for my child and later decide to put my child father on child support do they charge him for that food stamps and Medicaid provided before,or they just charge him for the child support from that day and forward

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby clothes

Parent Crafting Circle

Hi All! I’m starting a daytime craft circle for parents. Bring your own craft (I’ll be crocheting) and your children for a casual social hang. Our first meeting is Thursday, 9/5 from noon-1:00 in the Fairfield Area Library’s children’s area. You can follow the group on Instagram to keep up with future meetups: https...

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A in Activities for kids

Henrico/Richmond Playgrounds

Has anyone seen these “mommy and me” style swings at a park in the area?

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6 likes,4 comments

N in Other

Feeling alone

This is my second pregnancy and it’s honestly been kicking my ass way more because I have a one year old. I do a lot by myself on most days and I honestly feel exhausted all of the time. Does anyone know any good nanny’s or daycares? I need some sort of support. Help please !

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A in Baby milestones

I'm I tripping

So my son is 3 years old he sometimes goes and hide or play in our closet we tell him to get out and he gets out,so today my boyfriend/his father was like "oh you know what that means"with an attitude of anger,and I said he always plays in there some time he just playing he doesn't know what the that mean he is just...

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