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J in Making friends

Chesterfield County/Richmond area

Looking for other Mom's that I have something in common with. I'm a sahm after being in the workforce since I was 16 (35 now) and it gets lonely. I have one friend with kids but we don't connect much anymore. I have a 10 month old and a 15 year old.

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Incognito in Legal


Will I be able to claim my child on my taxes for child tax credit if his father puts him on his work insurance?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Why is it so hard to keep a friend as a mother?

My feelings are hurt because I had a close friend that has been around my kids, a person that I made the godmother of my kids felt like I wasn’t a good enough friend for her because I couldn’t make the time to answer her phone calls or text back or simply just sit on the phone and listen to her gossip about her man ...

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Incognito in Other


I’m looking for a good pediatrician that takes Medicaid in the RVA area!!

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Incognito in Other

Food stamps and medicade renewal

So they asked me for a bank statement and I told them I don't get any help from friends and family but on my bank statement shows cash app payments from different people who owe me money will I get in trouble for these payments being on my bank statement for my food stamps and Medicaid renewal

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  • Incognito
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